Beppo Mauhart

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Beppo Mauhart (October 2016)

Josef "Beppo" Mauhart (born September 14, 1933 in Enns ; † May 7, 2017 ) was an Austrian manager and football official.


After graduating from the Stiftsgymnasium Wilhering high school and studying, Mauhart worked as editor-in-chief of the newspaper of the Free Business Association from 1963 and as secretary to Hannes Androsch in the Ministry of Finance from 1970 . In 1972 he was appointed to the supervisory board of Austria Tabak , where he has been deputy chairman since 1976. Around 1977 Austria Tabak became the name sponsor of FK Austria Wien , which in these years operated as “Austria Memphis” after the cigarette brand. From 1988 to 1995 he was chairman of the board of Austria Tabak.

From June 30, 1984 to 2002, Mauhart was President of the Austrian Football Association  - the longest serving in the association's history; Friedrich Stickler was elected as his successor on April 7, 2002 .

Under the leadership of Beppo Mauhart, WINK (Wirtschaftsinitiative Neues Künstlerhaus) was founded in 2005 in agreement with the Society of Fine Artists Austria on the initiative of the then President Manfred Nehrer. The association was founded to support the Vienna Künstlerhaus in raising additional financial resources from the private sector and industry for the renovation of the building. Among other things, the legendary Künstlerhaus- Gschnas was revived in 2011 and 2012 as a charity event.

Mauhart was vice-president of the association "Education Initiative for the Future", which in November 2011 ran the referendum on education initiative .

Web links

Commons : Beppo Mauhart  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Jandrasits: "Final whistle": Beppo Mauhart has died. In: Courier . May 8, 2017. Retrieved May 8, 2017 .
  2. ^ Künstlerhaus - WINK. In: Retrieved September 21, 2015 .
  3. ↑ Extract from the association register of the association “Bildungsinitiative für die Zukunft”, ZVR number 893139934, accessed on November 3, 2011