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A mountain plot was a commercial enterprise of modern times , which as a state enterprise for the respective sovereign one hand, products from the mines sold and on his behalf, on the other hand, the miners had to deliver those products that required them to carry out their activities. Metals in particular were traded - with the exception of precious metals such as silver , which was used to mint the country.

The merchants of the mountain trades were the so-called iron factors , which in Hanover , for example, can be identified using the city's address books until 1855 with the last four known iron factors.

Well-known mountain shops

Literature (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Pierer's Universal Lexikon , Volume 2, Altenburg 1857, p. 604; Transcription at
  2. ^ A b Ludwig Hoerner : iron factors , in ders .: agents, bathers and copists. Hannoversches Gewerbe-ABC 1800–1900 . Ed .: Hannoversche Volksbank , Reichold, Hannover 1995, ISBN 3-930459-09-4 , p. 114f.
  3. ^ A b c Johann Christoph Adelung : Die Berghandlung , in ders .: Grammatical-Critical Dictionary of High German Dialect , Vienna: B. Ph. Bauer, 1811, p. 869f .; Transcription of the Munich digitization center for the Bavarian State Library
  4. ^ According to Ludwig Hoerner ( iron factors ) from Christian Ludwig Albrecht Patje : How was Hanover? , Hannover 1817, reprint Hannover-Döhren from 1977, p. 227ff.