Bernhard Emanuel von Rodt

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Bernhard Emanuel von Rodt (born November 8, 1776 in Bern , † August 16, 1848 Bern) was a Swiss officer , politician and historian . He is best known for his history of the Bernese warfare and his work on the Burgundian Wars .


Von Rodt came from the respected Bernese patrician family Rodt . He was the son of Anton Emanuel von Rodt and his wife Katharina von Sinner. In 1793 he moved to Nyon after his father over the position of bailiff had taken. At home there he came into contact with numerous personalities, including the French Finance Minister Jacques Necker and the writers Germaine de Staël and Benjamin Constant . In 1796 he volunteered for duty to protect Basel from possible French attacks. In January 1798 he was given command of the Bernese troops in Vaud , but had to flee to Bern after only four days. His regiment was involved in the Battle of the Grauholz on March 5, 1798 , which ended with the surrender of Bern.

Since von Rodt did not want to have anything to do with the new Helvetic Republic, which was dependent on France , he placed himself in the service of Prussia and was an ensign in Breslau from September 1798 . During the Second Coalition War , he joined the Austrian army and was stationed in Bohemia for a long time . In 1801 his regiment, consisting of Swiss, came under British command and was then involved in the unsuccessful siege of Elba . In 1802 he returned to Bern and worked as secretary of the Bern War Council, two years later he married Elisabeth von Graffenried , a daughter of Emanuel von Graffenried .

In 1814 von Rodt was elected to the Grand Council . At the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Bern was awarded most of the disbanded Principality of Basel as compensation for the lost subject areas . Von Rodt was then appointed senior bailiff of the newly created Moutier district. He held this office for seven years. During this time he had to completely reorganize the judiciary and local government. From 1822 he was a member of the higher court, from 1824 he belonged to the appellate court. In 1831 he retired from all public offices.

In his free time, von Rodt devoted himself to historical research. In 1811 he was a co-founder of the General History Research Society of Switzerland , which he chaired from 1842 until his death. As secretary of the council of war, he had familiarized himself with archives. Based on the sources available there, he published the history of the Bernese warfare in three volumes from 1831 to 1834 . In 1837 he published the history of the Twing Lords' dispute of 1470. A two-volume work on the Burgundian Wars followed in 1843/44 , with particular attention to the participation of the Confederates . In addition, there were numerous articles in the Swiss historical researcher , the journal published by the society.


  • The campaigns of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy and his heirs: with special reference to the participation of the Swiss in them , 2 volumes 1843/44, digitized


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Wikisource: Bernhard Emanuel von Rodt  - Sources and full texts