Bernhard Howaldt junior

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Bernhard Howaldt jun.

Bernhard Howaldt junior (born June 9, 1880 in Kiel ; † July 28, 1958 in Flensburg ) was a German shipowner and entrepreneur from the Howaldt family in northern Germany .


After attending the secondary school in Kiel and an apprenticeship as a mechanical engineer at Howaldtswerke AG (today: Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG (HDW)) in Kiel and at Schichau -Werft in Elbing , he studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Karlsruhe (1902–1903 ) and at the Technical University of Gdansk (1904–1906). He was a member of the Corps Bavaria Karlsruhe .

Bernhard Howaldt , Malmö (1957)

Already involved in the construction of the hydropower plants on the Schwentine by his father Bernhard Howaldt from 1903 , after his death in 1908 he took over the management of the Schwentine power plants Rastorfer Mühle and built the Kiel-Wik turbine power plant in 1912 to supply the Kiel Canal with electricity . The power plants were sold to the city of Kiel in 1916.

The Kiel-Wik power plant was in operation until 1992, the listed hydropower plants on the Schwentine and Rosensee are still operated today by Stadtwerke Kiel.

1927 Bernhard Howaldt founded the shipping company in Flensburg Bernhard Howaldt , in 1951 by his son Klaus taken (1914-2015) and in Hamburg was continued.

Kurt Howaldt , director and board member of Körtings Elektrizitätswerke , was his brother.


  • Gert Uwe Detlefsen: Shipping company Bernhard Howaldt Flensburg / Hamburg 1919-1974. (= German shipping companies , volume 1.) Detlefsen publishing house, Cuxhaven 1994, ISBN 3-92847317-4 .

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Commons : Bernhard Howaldt junior  - collection of images, videos and audio files