Bernhard Kempen (Author)

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Bernhard Kempen (born May 23, 1961 in Hamburg ) is a German translator , journalist and author .


Bernhard Kempen grew up in a small village near Oldenburg. After graduating from high school and training as a gardener, he went to Berlin in 1984, where he studied general and comparative literature and philosophy at the Free University. This was followed by a one-year study visit to the University of East Anglia in Norwich / England, where he did his MA in Comparative Literature in 1987.

Back in Berlin, he completed his doctorate in 1994. phil. with the work Adventure in Gondwanaland and Neandertal on prehistoric motifs in literature and other media. He has written numerous articles on fantasy in literature and film and was a contributor to and editor of Science Fiction Times (1989–1993) and Science Fiction Media (1993–1995). From 1990 to 1998 he edited the magazine Prehistoric News . From 1997 to 2010 he was editor of the internet magazine and from 1998 to 2005 he worked on the editorial team of the SF magazine Alien Contact .

As a freelance translator, Bernhard Kempen has translated over 70 books into German since 1991 - by authors such as William Shatner , William Sarabande , Ian Watson , Greg Egan , Neil Rose , Richard Morgan and Terry Pratchett as well as numerous Star Trek novels.

For the translation of the novel Qual (English original title Distress , 1995) by the Australian writer Greg Egan , he was awarded the Kurd-Laßwitz Prize for the best translation in 2000.

Works (selection)

Short stories

  • Lizards . In: Science Fiction Media . 1995.
  • The flint blade . In: Prehistoric News . 1998.
  • The scent of the oranges . In: Alien Contact . 1999.
  • The nine times revenge of Dr. Counterattack . In: the daily newspaper . 1999.


Translations (selection)

  • William Shatner : The TEK Conspiracy (1991), The TEK Cartel (1992), The TEK Dealers (1993), The TEK Revenge (1993), The TEK Secret (1994), TEKPower (1996)
  • Ian Watson : Demon Child. The first book Mana (1996), Cuckoo's Curse. The second book Mana (1996), Moon Fall. The third book Mana (1997), Quantum Networks (2000)
  • Robert Sheckley : The Laertans' Game (1997)
  • Greg Egan : Qual (1999), Diaspora (2000), Teranesia (2001)
  • Greg Bear : Slant (2001)
  • Whitley Strieber : The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
  • Richard Morgan : The Immortality Program (2004), Fallen Angels (2005), Holy Wrath (2006)
  • Alastair Reynolds Eternity (2006), Skyfall (2006)
  • John Scalzi : War of the Clones (2007), Ghost Brigades (2007), The Last Colony (2008), Between the Stars (2009)

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