Bernhard Lemling

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Bernhard Lemling (born December 30, 1904 in Sülm ; † January 27, 1961 ) was a choirmaster and conductor of several associations and a poet of the Eifel.


The full-time farmer was the only surviving child of a deeply religious farming family; this attachment to the church is also evident in many of his works. He was especially passionate about writing plays; He had his greatest success with the play The Three Virgins of Auw , which was premiered in this place in 1953.

However, his love was also for music throughout his life. After attending the Episcopal Church Music School in Trier from 1929 to 1931, he was the choirmaster of several choral societies such as B. Sülm , Bitburg , Speicher , Röhl , Welschbillig and Newel and conductor of many music associations such as Orenhofen , Sülm, Bitburg-Mötsch and Röhl active; He was also organist in Dahlem , Ittel and Speicher as well as sexton, choirmaster and organist in his parish church in Sülm until his death. Many of his poems in which he, but often deals with the unspoilt nature of the Eifel and the love of the people to their home in a humorous way, the village life, he also set to music for choir, these simple songs of the prototype of "Eifel song" become and common property of almost all choirs in the region. His most famous song, "Eifelland, how are you beautiful", is known as the "secret hymn of the southern Eifel". Because of his great commitment, a memorial stone was dedicated to him at the Sülm parish church . His works are preserved by the "Association for the Promotion of the Lifetime Achievement of Bernhard Lemling" , which has published four volumes with poems, prose, compositions and amateur plays from the estate of the poet under the title "Vom Schöne Eifeler Heimatland".
