Bertalan Szemere

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Bertalan Szemere, lithograph by Franz Eybl , 1843
Bertalan Szemere, painting by Sándor Kozina (1851)

Bertalan Szemere (born August 27, 1812 in Vatta in Borsoder County , † January 18, 1869 in Ofen ) was a Hungarian writer and politician. During the revolution of 1848/49 he was the third Hungarian Prime Minister and the first Minister of the Interior of Hungary.

Bertalan (Bartholomew) Szemere studied in Bratislava , practiced it in Borsod County as a lawyer, was in 1842 for top magistrate in 1846, for Vizegespan in Borsod and from the same county as a deputy in the Reichstag elected. Here he proved to be one of the most active members of the Party of Progress and, as Reichstag secretary, worked on a number of the most important bills. In March 1848 Batthyányi was entrusted with the interior portfolio in the Batthyányi Ministry , he decided with Lajos Kossuth for a determined revolution, took over the provisional management of the state affairs with the latter after the resignation of the ministry and also joined the national defense committee .

In December 1848 as Reich Commissioner for Upper Hungary delegated, he made here a guerrilla corps to defend against the invading Schlikschen Corps. After the declaration of independence (April 14, 1849) he took over the presidency of the new cabinet and, after Artúr Görgey had laid down his arms, fled to Constantinople , then made a trip to Greece and then settled in Paris .

Here he published the characteristics primarily directed against Kossuth: Ludwig Batthyányi, A. Görgei and L. Kossuth (Hamburg 1851). In 1865 he returned home, broken in body and soul, and died on January 18, 1869 in a private mental institution in Ofen. His collected writings were published in Pest in 1869.


  • A'büntelesröl s különösebben a hatal bünteterröl . (About the punishments and especially about the death penalty.) Award-winning writing. Buda 1841.
  • Összegyüjtöt munkai. (Collected works.) Hung., 6 volumes, Pest 1869–1870.

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Commons : Bertalan Szemere  - collection of images, videos and audio files