Bertil Almqvist

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Bertil Almqvist (born August 29, 1902 in Ulriksdal in Solna , Sweden , † May 16, 1972 in Stockholm , Sweden) was a Swedish children's author , illustrator and newspaper cartoonist.


Almqvist studied at both the University of Stockholm and at the University of Uppsala in 1924 and 1925 literary history and art history before studying at the Figge Fred Eriksson Malerschule recorded in Stockholm. He then worked as a draftsman for several Swedish newspapers, such as Dagens Nyheter , which belongs to the Bonnier media group , the morning paper Stockholms-Tidningen and Aftonbladet . He also worked for the satirical magazine Söndagsnisse-Strix .

Almqvist was married to the writer Anna-Lisa Almqvist in his first marriage and to the artist Gunborg Ranstad in his second marriage . He worked from 1926 to 1971.

Work and works

Bertil Almqvist's signature

Almqvist's best-known picture books come from the Barna Hedenhös series from 1948 to 1971. In Germany it was successful under the title Die Steinzeitkinder… . In 2013, the Bonnier Carlsen publishing house announced that it would no longer publish the episode The Stone Age Children Discover America from 1950 because it contained “outdated values”.

In addition, some books by the Swedish folk singers Evert Taube and Lille Bror Söderlundh were illustrated by Almqvist. During the Second World War he illustrated the En svensk tiger campaign for the Swedish Statens Informationsstyrelse (State Information Control) "SIS" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , which served the same purpose as the German campaign Feind Hearts .


Barna Hedenhös series
  • Barna Hedenhös reser till Egypt . Bonnier, Stockholm 1949.
    • German by Karin von Merhart-Wallin: The Stone Age Children in Egypt. Your adventurous journey and a happy return . Stalling picture book No. 127. Gerhard Stalling Verlag, Oldenburg in Oldenburg / Hamburg 1955.
  • Barna Hedenhös på vinterresa i Sverige , Bonnier, Stockholm 1951.
    • German by Karin von Merhart-Wallin: The happy Stone Age children: Their adventures with Urax and the wild animals . Gerhard Stalling Verlag, Oldenburg in Oldenburg / Hamburg 1955.
  • The Stone Age children at the Olympics . Stalling, Oldenburg in Oldenburg / Hamburg 1972, ISBN 3-7979-2206-X .
  • The Stone Age children on space travel . Stalling, Oldenburg in Oldenburg / Hamburg 1972, ISBN 3-7979-2207-8 .
other books
  • Haren som åkte på öronen . Lindqist, Stockholm 1947.
  • Sagan om Vasa , (The Story of Vasa ). Bonnier, Stockholm 1965.


  • Charlotte Brattsröm (Ed.): De läses än: Från Bertil Almqvist till Anna-Lisa Warmlöf. Portrait av tolv svenska barnboksförfattare , 2nd edition. Bibliotekstjänst, Lund 1987, ISBN 91-7018-274-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Sveriges Radio : Controversial children's book will no longer appear . Accessed December 11, 2013.