Birstal nutmeg

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Birstal nutmeg
Synonyms Birchstaler Muscat, Muscat de la Birse
Breeding number Valentin Blattner 86-6, VB 86-6
Art Interspecific crossing
Berry color green
origin Switzerland
breeder Valentin Blattner
Breeding year 1986
VIVC no. 17208

Cross of
Seyval Blanc × Bacchus

List of grape varieties

The Birstaler Muskat grape variety is a table grape variety . It is a new breed from 1986 between Seyval Blanc × Bacchus from Switzerland ; The breeder of this cross is Valentin Blattner from Soyhières in the canton of Jura . Due to the share of Seyval Blanc, the Birstaler Muscat belongs to the hybrid grape family . The vines in Switzerland are 0.48 hectares (status 2007, source: Office fédéral de l'agriculture OFAG) The réselle grape variety comes from the same breeding series.

It is named after the Birs (French: La Birse ), a 73-kilometer-long tributary of the Rhine in the Swiss Jura Mountains .

Its growth is strong and upright. Its maturity begins at the end of August through September. It impresses with a very long harvest time , which is made possible by looseness. The berries dry quickly and are less susceptible to fungal infections due to the looseness. The grapes are medium-sized and have loose berries. They are yellow-green in color and usually round in shape. Their taste can be described as a fine nutmeg taste.

The vines have a very good tolerance to genuine and false mildew and good frost resistance. When overripe, the berries shrink like raisins. Birstaler Muscat belongs to the hybrid grape family . It has hermaphroditic flowers and is therefore self-fruiting. In viticulture , the economic disadvantage of not having to grow male plants that produce yield is avoided.

Individual evidence

  1. Page no longer available , search in web archives: The Wine Year 2008 (PDF) , published by Office fédéral de l'agriculture OFAG @1@ 2Template: Dead Link /

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