Diocese of Cyangugu

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Diocese of Cyangugu
Map of the Diocese of Cyangugu
Basic data
Country Rwanda
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Kigali
Diocesan bishop Sedis vacancy
founding 1981
surface 1,844 km²
Parishes 12 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Residents 644,000 (December 31, 2007 / AP2009 )
Catholics 313,000 (December 31, 2007 / AP2009 )
proportion of 48.6%
Diocesan priest 34 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Religious priest 8 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Catholics per priest 7,452
Friars 21 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Religious sisters 94 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
rite Roman rite
Website http://www.diocesecyangugu.com/

The diocese Cyangugu ( lat. : Dioecesis Cyanguguensis ) is in Rwanda preferred Roman Catholic diocese based in Cyangugu .


The Diocese of Cyangugu was established on November 5, 1981 by Pope John Paul II with the Apostolic Constitution Nihil aestimamus from cessions of territory from the Diocese of Nyundo and subordinated to the Archdiocese of Kigali as a suffragan .

Bishops of Cyangugu

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ioannes Paulus II: Const. Apost. Nihil aestimamus , AAS 74 (1982), n.2 , pp. 194f.