Diocese of Nsukka

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Diocese of Nsukka
Basic data
Country Nigeria
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Onitsha
Diocesan bishop Godfrey Igwebuike Onah
Emeritus diocesan bishop Francis Emmanuel Ogbonna Okobo
Vicar General Thadeus Onoyima
founding 1990
surface 3,180 km²
Parishes 163 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Residents 621,960 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Catholics 497,468 (2016 / AP 2017 )
proportion of 80%
Diocesan priest 226 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Religious priest 16 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Catholics per priest 2,056
Friars 90 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Religious sisters 67 (2016 / AP 2017 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language English
cathedral St. Theresa's Cathedral
Website nsukkacatholicdiocese.org

The diocese of Nsukka ( Latin Dioecesis Nsukkana , English Diocese of Nsukka ) is in Nigeria situated Roman Catholic diocese based in Nsukka .


The diocese of Nsukka was established on November 19, 1990 by Pope John Paul II with the Apostolic Constitution Catholicum nomen from cessions of territory from the diocese of Enugu and subordinated to the archdiocese of Onitsha as a suffragan .

Bishops of

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ioannes Paulus II: Const. Apost. Catholicum nomen , AAS 83 (1991), n.2, pp. 120f.