Soacha diocese

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Soacha diocese
Map of Soacha Diocese
Basic data
Country Colombia
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Bogotá
Diocesan bishop José Daniel Falla Robles
Emeritus diocesan bishop Daniel Caro Borda
founding 2003
surface 425 km²
Parishes 32 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Residents 860,000 (December 31, 2007 / AP2009 )
Catholics 806,000 (December 31, 2007 / AP2009 )
proportion of 93.7%
Diocesan priest 45 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Religious priest 7 (December 31, 2007 / AP2009 )
Catholics per priest 15,500
Permanent deacons 8 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Friars 22 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Religious sisters 132 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Spanish
cathedral Catedral de Jesucristo Nuestra Paz
Ecclesiastical province
Map of the ecclesiastical province {{{ecclesiastical province}}}

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Soacha ( lat. : Dioecesis Soachaensis , span. : Diócesis de Soacha ) is an in Colombia situated Roman Catholic diocese based in Soacha .


The Diocese of Soacha was established on August 6, 2003 by Pope John Paul II with the Apostolic Constitution Frequenter fieri from cession of territory to the Archdiocese of Bogotá and subordinated to it as a suffragan . The first bishop was Daniel Caro Borda .

Coat of arms of the Soacha diocese

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ioannes Paulus II: Const. Apost. Frequenter fieri , AAS 95 (2003), n.12, p. 815f.