Bob Clark

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Benjamin "Bob" Clark (* 5. August 1939 in New Orleans , Louisiana as Benjamin Clark , † 4. April 2007 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American film director , screenwriter and film producer .


After high school , Clark attended Hillsdale College in Michigan . He later studied theater at the University of Miami ; there he also met his frequent screenwriting partner Alan Ormsby . He made many of his early films in Canada .

Bob Clark and his 22-year-old son Ariel were killed on the night of April 4, 2007 in a head-on collision with a suspected drunk driver on the Pacific Coast Highway near Pacific Palisades , Los Angeles. Ariel Clark had starred in several of his father's films, but ultimately decided to study music. Bob Clark left behind another son, Michael Clark.


Clark became famous for the comedy Merry Christmas and the drama A Summer in Manhattan , in which Jack Lemmon played the lead role and for which he received an Oscar nomination. The 1982 film Porky’s and the sequel Porky’s II - The Day After , which he also directed the following year, were particularly commercially successful . Since the mid-1990s, he has mainly worked for television.

Bob Clark was also nominated twice for the Golden Raspberry , namely as "worst director" for The Whiz and Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Director of A Christmas Story and son killed in PCH crash", see article in the Libertypost forum