Bojna Čavoglave

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Bojna Čavoglave ( Battalion Čavoglave) was the military unit of the place Čavoglave ( Croatia ) during the Croatian War (1991-1995). In 1991 she gained general fame in Croatia and the other successor states of Yugoslavia through the song of the same name by the musician Marko Perković " Thompson " . In the Bosnian War (1991–1995) the music of the song was also used with different lyrics for songs by the Croatian Defense Council ( Poskok bojna - Široki Brijeg ), the Bosnian army ( Bosanski Čavoglave ) and the defenders at the Siege of Sarajevo ( Hej junaci branitelji ) utilized.


The Čavoglave unit, made up of local volunteers , was formally established on September 17, 1991 as Bojna Čavoglave . The unit acted independently until mid-October 1991 and was then attached to the 114th Brigade of the Croatian Army . She held positions from Moseć to the Svilaja Mountains in the Dalmatian hinterland , making it the Croatian army's first line of defense against the Yugoslav People's Army and Serbian militants with a thrust on the city of Split .

In autumn 1992 the unit was affiliated with the 142nd Drniš Brigade. Also deployed as vanguard , members of the unit took part in the military operations Ljeto '95 , Oluja and Maestral , among others .

Known relatives

Text of the song Bojna Čavoglave

Original Croatian text German translation
Za Dom - Spremni!
For home - ready!
U Zagori na izvoru rijeke Čikole,
Stala braća da obrane naše domove.
In the Zagora , at the source of the Čikola River ,
Brothers stood to defend our homeland.
Stoji Hrvat do Hrvata, mi smo braća svi,
Nećete u Čavoglave dok smo živi mi!
It's Croatian next to Croatian - we are all brothers,
You won't make it to Čavoglave as long as we live!
Puče tomson, kalašnjikov ai zbrojevka,
Baci bombu, goni bandu preko izvora!
Fires the Thompson , Kalashnikov and Zbrojevka ,
Throw the grenade , pursue the gang over the sources!
Korak naprijed, puška gotov s', siju pjesmu svi,
Za dom braćo, za slobodu, borimo se mi.
March forward, arms ready, let's all sing
Brothers, for the homeland, for freedom, we fight.
Čujte srpski dobrovoljci, bando četnici
Stići će vas naša ruka iu Srbiji!
Do you Serbian irregulars , you Chetnik gangs,
Our hand will reach you in Serbia !
Stići će vas Božja pravda to već svatko zna
Sudit će vam bojovnici iz Čavoglava!
God's righteousness will come, everyone knows
The fighters from Čavoglave set you up!
Slušajte sad poruku od Svetog Ilije:
Nećete u Čavoglave, nest ni prije!
Now hear the message of Saint Elias :
You can't make it to Čavoglave like never before!
Oj Hrvati, braćo mila iz Čavoglava,
Hrvatska vam zaboravit neće nikada!
Oh Croatians, dear brothers from Čavoglave,
Croatia will never forget you!

Web links


  • Gordana Ivančić, Nada Aslanovski: KVIN-ovih 20 . monografija Udruge branitelja Domovinskog rata INA-Naftaplina KVIN. Ed .: Udruga branitelja Domovinskog rata INA-Naftaplina KVIN. Zagreb 2013, ISBN 978-953-99403-6-0 , pp. 223 (with a picture of the unit in the unit of the 142nd Drniš Brigade; including Marko Perković).