Boris Ivanovich Piip

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Boris Ivanovich Piip ( Russian Борис Иванович Пийп ; born October 24 . Jul / 6. November  1906 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 10. March 1966 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky ) was a Russian geologist and volcanologist .


Piip's father, Johann Kai Piip, came from an Estonian farming family and worked as a carpenter in a piano factory . Piip's mother Anna Mürk died in 1908, so that the father married Maria Tideniga. Piip spent his early childhood with his grandparents in Estonia , with whom he only spoke Estonian , and did not return to St. Petersburg until he was six. The father was a soldier during the First World War , then worked as a mechanic in various military institutions and died in 1928, while the stepmother died in 1942 during the Leningrad blockade .

Piip completed 1924-1926 the Leningrad mechanics - pilot . After studying at higher educational institutions had been released, Piip studied after passing the entrance examination at the Leningrad Mining Institute with graduation in 1931 as a mining engineer- petrograph . He immediately took part in Alexander Nikolayevich Sawaritsky's research expedition to Kamchatka in 1931 , during which he learned the methodology for investigating active volcanoes and independently investigated the Nalychevsky thermal springs . This was followed by an apprenticeship at the chair for petrography there , graduating in 1934. He became an assistant and then taught there until the longer research stays in Kamchatka and the Urals from 1936 onwards no longer permitted this.

From 1940 Piip worked in the Laboratory of Volcanology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . In addition, he was head of the volcanological station on Kamchatka (1940–1946 and 1950–1954). In 1945 he became a member of the CPSU and in 1958 a corresponding member of the AN-SSSR. In 1962 he became director of the Institute of Volcanology of the AN-SSSR in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In 1963 he became a member of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior .

The focus of Piip's scientific work was the exploration of volcanoes, thermal springs and the geological structure of Kamchatka. He thoroughly investigated a number of volcanic eruptions with regard to their dynamics , physics and chemistry .

Piip was married to Anna Petrovna (1908–1991) and was buried in Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery.

Piip's name is borne by a submarine volcano east of Kamchatka, a glacier and a secondary crater of the Klyuchevskaya Sopka and the tetragonal mineral Piypite (K2Cu2O (SO4) 2) from the Tolbatschik .

Honors, prizes

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Автобиография Бориса Ивановича Пийпа (accessed February 5, 2018).
  2. a b c ПИЙП Борис Иванович (accessed February 5, 2018).
  3. a b 100 лет со дня рождения первого директора Института вулканологии член-корр. АН СССР Бориса Ивановича Пийпа . In: Вестник КРАУНЦ. Науки о Земле . tape 2 , no. 8 , 2006, p. 7–8 ( [PDF; accessed February 5, 2018]).
  4. Камчатский научный центр: Борис Иванович Пийп (accessed February 5, 2018).
  5. RAN: Пийп Борис Иванович (accessed February 5, 2018).
  6. Piypite (accessed February 5, 2018).