Bram Stoker Awards 1996

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The 1996 Bram Stoker Award was given in 1997 for literature from the previous year in seven categories. At the award ceremony, exceptional contributions to horror literature are honored every year. The Bram Stoker Award has been presented since 1987, and the winners are chosen by election by the members of the Horror Writers Association (HWA).

In 1996, as in the previous year, prizes were awarded in the established seven categories, including non-fiction. Thomas Ligotti won the award in two categories, once for his novella The Red Tower and for the anthology The Nightmare Factory . Owl Goingback was nominated for his novel Crota in both the category and for the first work, and was awarded the latter.

Winners and nominated authors

The 1996 Bram Stoker Award was presented in 1997 in seven categories:

category winner plant Other nominated authors Pictures of
the winners
Novel ( novel ) Stephen King The Green Mile (German: The Green Mile ) Stephen King, 2005
Debut ( First Novel ) Owl goingback Crota
Novella ( Long Fiction ) Thomas Ligotti The Red Tower
Short story ( short fiction ) PD Cacek Metalica
Anthology ( Fiction Collection ) Thomas Ligotti The Nightmare Factory
Fiction book ( Nonfiction ) ST Joshi HP Lovecraft: A Life
Lifetime ( Lifetime Achievement ) Ira Levin
Forrest J. Ackerman
Forrest J. Ackerman, 1990

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