Bram Stoker Awards 1990

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The Bram Stoker Award 1990 was given in 1991 for literature from the previous year in seven categories. At the award ceremony, exceptional contributions to horror literature are honored every year. The Bram Stoker Award has been presented since 1987, the winners are chosen by election by the members of the Horror Writers Association (HWA), until 1993 Horror Writers of America .

In 1990 there were two double nominations: Stephen King received the award for the best anthology with Midnight , the novella Langoliers contained therein was nominated for the novella category. In addition, Michael Blumlein was also nominated for both the anthology and novella category.

Winners and nominated authors

The Bram Stoker Award 1990 was presented in 1991 in seven categories:

category winner plant Other nominated authors Pictures of
the winners
Novel ( novel ) Robert R. McCammon Mine (German: messenger of terror )
Debut ( First Novel ) Bentley Little The Revelation
Novella ( Long Fiction ) Elizabeth Massie Stephen
Short story ( short fiction ) David B. Silva The calling
Anthology ( Fiction Collection ) Stephen King Four Past Midnight (German: In two volumes as Nachts und Langoliers )
Fiction book ( Nonfiction ) Stanley Wiater Dark Dreamers
Lifetime ( Lifetime Achievement ) Hugh B. Cave

Richard Matheson

Richard Matheson, 2008

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