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When gravy is generally described as a sauce , to fried or grilled meat (including poultry is served). This includes dark stocks ( grand jus ) as well as brown basic sauces and their derivatives. It is also called jus (brown meat stock). In the German language Bratensauce stands for sauces made from the gravy, whereby the term stands for both jus and the cooking liquid of braised meat dishes.

Preparation from roast set

In traditional housekeeping, it is usually prepared from the roast set that is created when the meat is cooked . This is accomplished by adding liquids such as broth or wine quenched and brown base sauce or force sauce added. By the information contained in the ingredients gelatin caused slight binding , by assembling with butter or cream , as well as the addition of brown roux be strengthened. Depending on the taste and intended use, gravies can be supplemented with spices and herbs as well as other seasoning ingredients such as meat extract , tomato paste , vegetables , mushrooms , cognac , sherry , Madeira , etc.

Web links

Commons : Gravy  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Erhard Gorys : Das neue Küchenlexikon , p. 80, dtv, Munich 1994–2002, ISBN 3-423-36245-6
  2. Hans-Joachim Rose (arrangement), Ralf Frenzel (ed.): Kitchen Bible . Encyclopedia of Culinary Studies. Tre Torri Verlag, p. 133, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 978-3-937963-41-9 .
  3. Entry for gravy at
  4. ^ Mathilde Ehrhardt: Large illustrated cookbook , p. 545, Berlin 1904