Brigitte Lindscheid

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The Darmstadt District President Brigitte Lindscheid
Brigitte Lindscheid (2014)

Brigitte Lindscheid (born February 21, 1961 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German politician from Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen . She joined in 2014 Government President of the administrative district of Darmstadt .


Youth and education

Brigitte Lindscheid attended school in her hometown of Frankfurt. In 1977 she obtained the secondary school leaving certificate at the Fürstenberger Realschule and in 1980 the Abitur at the Helmholtz School . In 1990 she passed the second state examination in law. In 2000 she was admitted to the bar.

Political career

From 2001 to 2011 Brigitte Lindscheid was city councilor in Darmstadt , from 2006 chairwoman of the Greens parliamentary group and chairwoman of the planning, building and transport committee. In 2011 she became a full-time city councilor (Construction and Environment Department) in Darmstadt, until she was appointed regional president in Darmstadt on March 1, 2014 by the Black-Green State Cabinet in Hesse. This makes her the first female Green politician and the first woman in this position in Hesse's largest administrative district.


Brigitte Lindscheid is married and has one child.

Web links

Commons : Brigitte Lindscheid  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files