Bruno Heinemann

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Bruno Heinemann (born December 14, 1858 in Naumburg , † January 24, 1938 in Munich ) was a German officer and political functionary ( NSDAP ). Heinemann last reached the rank of lieutenant general and acted in the early NSDAP as chairman of the investigative and arbitration committee of the party leadership and as head of the party's Reich organization. It is not to be confused with Corvette Captain Bruno Heinemann († 1918), who died during the November Revolution of 1918 and after whom the destroyer Z 8 Bruno Heinemann launched in the Navy in 1936 was named.

Life and activity

Heinemann joined the Bavarian army around 1880 . In this he was successively appointed Second Lieutenant (June 3, 1881), Premier Lieutenant (July 14, 1891), Captain (May 10, 1896), Major (October 28, 1904), Lieutenant Colonel (September 11, 1907), Colonel (7. March 1910) and major general (January 23, 1913) promoted. In 1916 he was given the character of lieutenant general.

In 1895 Heinemann was assigned to a railway battalion. In 1913 he was appointed inspector of the transport forces. During the First World War, Heinmann served as deputy head of the Bavarian engineering corps for two years from 1914 to 1916. From June 3, 1918 to July 23, 1919 he then held the post of deputy commandant of the Ingolstadt fortress .

Heinemann joined the NSDAP for the first time in February 1922. In November 1924 he became chairman of the court of honor of the Reichsführerschaft der National Socialist Freiheitsbewegung (NSFB), a support party for the then banned NSDAP, and at the same time chairman of the GVG - then the NSDAP section Schwabing.

After the re-establishment of the NSDAP in the spring of 1925, Heinemann became a member of the party again with effect from March 26, 1925 (Mgl.-Nr. 355). From December 1, 1925 to November 27, 1927 he held the position of chairman of the investigative and arbitration committee at the Reich leadership of the party (Uschla Reichsleitung), with which he was chairman of the Supreme Party Court of the NSDAP . On November 27, 1927, according to other information on December 7, 1927, Heinemann resigned from the post of chairman of the USchA-Reichsleitung after differences of opinion with Hitler . His successor as the highest party judge of the NSDAP was Walter Buch , who was to fill this post until 1945.

From July 1926 onwards, Heinemann acted in addition to his work as Supreme Party Judge in personal union as head of the party's Reich Organization Management (ROL) established at that time. He held the post of Reich Organization Leader of the NSDAP until December 1927. Heinemann's successor as head of the party's organization was Gregor Strasser .


  • Mathias Rösch: The Munich NSDAP 1925–1933: An investigation into the internal structure of the NSDAP in the Weimar Republic , 2014.

Individual evidence

  1. Date and place of death according to: The archive: reference work for politics, economy, culture , Vol. 46–48, 1938. P. 1383.
  2. ^ Paul Bruppacher: Adolf Hitler and the history of the NSDAP. A chronicle. Part 1, 1889-1937 , 2018, p. 219.