Bruno Würtz

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Bruno Würtz (* 1933 in Văliug in the Banater Bergland , Kingdom of Romania , † 1992 in Timișoara ) was a Germanist , philosopher , theater critic and director of the German State Theater Timişoara .

Live and act

Würtz first studied German language and literature and philosophy in Bucharest , then came to Timișoara in 1958 for the newspaper "Die Truth" (from 1968 Neue Banater Zeitung ), where he mainly published theater reviews. Würtz studied Marxist philosophy at the “Social-Political Academy Stefan Gheorghiu” in Bucharest, graduated with a thesis on Martin Heidegger and published the first monograph by Karl Jaspers in Romania. Later, Würtz turned to church history, dealt with the individual sects and began to publish a history of the world religions, the first volume of which was published in 1991.

In 1971 Bruno Würtz took over the management of the German State Theater Timişoara from Johann Székler . “Würtz was a staunch Marxist. After his inauguration on February 10, 1971, he introduced ideological training courses, with mandatory participation of the entire ensemble [...] He had microphones installed in the actors' cloakrooms and in the dramaturge's office, ”wrote the dramaturg Harald Siegmund, looking back on the Kronstadt native Writer trial .

At the beginning of the 1970s the DSTT began to experience financial difficulties. Although the theater received the long-awaited bus for the away tours, the income fell. Thanks to the involvement of amateur artists, such as the Pipatsch Chapel or the Schubert Choir in Meyer-Förster's Alt-Heidelberg , we were again financially successful. During the directorate of Würtz mainly young actors were promoted. For this purpose he had a studio for 50 spectators set up in the theater foyer, in which the young artists could demonstrate their experiments. He also set up a group of authors who were supposed to provide the theater with new play texts by local German playwrights. These included: Ludwig Schwarz , Raimund Binder , Hans Kehrer , Franz Csiky , Nikolaus Berwanger . Würtz also appeared as a translator. He translated the play by the Romanian playwright of the Stalinist years Mihai Davidoglu's “Grandfather's Dear Eyes” and Alexandru Popescu's play “The uncalled good night”, which dealt with the underground movement of the Romanian communists before 1945.

In 1974 Würtz, who had meanwhile received his doctorate in philosophy , left the theater and went as a lecturer at the Western University of Timișoara , where he devoted himself to the special research area on religion and sects .


  • The problem of man in the philosophy of Karl Jaspers. Facla-Verlag, Timișoara 1976.
  • Doctrine of the main sects of contemporary Christianity. University Press, Timișoara 1984 and 1988.
  • The hermeneutics of Gadamer. Timișoara University Press 1985.
  • History of religions. Timișoara 1991.
  • New Age. Hollow paradigm or the re-enchantment of Aquarius. Timișoara 1992.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Horst Fassel: The German State Theater Timişoara (1953-2003). From national identity bearer to experimental theater. Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-643-11413-6 .
  2. Peter Motzan , Stefan Sienerth : Words as danger of danger. Writer in court, Kronstadt 1959. Munich 1993, ISBN 3-86596-419-2 .