Federal Student Union Conference WiSo

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The Federal Student Councils Conference on Economics and Social Sciences ( BuFaK WiSo for short ) is the union of the student councils of the economics and economics and social science faculties and departments of universities in Germany . Like most federal student council meetings , the BuFaK WiSo sees itself on the one hand as a nationwide representation of the interests of students from these courses and on the other as an opportunity for networking and exchanging experiences between the individual student councils and their representatives.


The BuFaK WiSo of mainly student councils pure economics faculties together, so mainly from students of business administration and economics , as well as industrial engineering , business education , economic computer science and other interdisciplinary subjects. The BuFaK WiSo is nevertheless a conference of economic and economic social sciences , as these two departments belong together at some universities and are thus possibly represented by a student body, which is responsible for the entire department. However, there are no purely social science student bodies in the BuFaK WiSo.


The first BuFaK WiSo took place in March 1977 at the University of Karlsruhe . After a crisis at BuFaK in the 1980s, as a result of which there were no conferences between 1982 and 1989, the conference is now taking place regularly again. While the BuFaK at the University of Osnabrück still had around 65 participants in May 2001, there were around 215 at the conference in May 2006 in Berlin. In April 2017, the Federal Student Union Conference took place at KIT in Karlsruhe - 40 years after it was founded. The last conference took place from October 30 to November 3, 2019 with 240 participants from 68 student councils in Jena . The next conference is to take place in Oldenburg from April 30th to May 3rd, 2020 .

The continuity of the work to improve the BuFaK was in November 2003 in Leipzig the BuFaK Council introduced. Until then there was only the BuFaK secretariat with purely organizational tasks.


Conferences every semester

The actual work of the BuFaK WiSo takes place at the conferences that take place every semester , usually in May and November. On the one hand, these consist of workshops on a wide variety of topics, from questions of university policy to problems of everyday work in the student council. On the other hand, several plenaries take place which, in addition to clarifying organizational questions, primarily serve to coordinate resolutions and position papers of the BuFaK and, if necessary, to hold elections. In addition, there is also a detailed supporting program.

Around 200 people from currently 60 to 70 student councils take part in a conference. Just a few years ago, the number of participating student councils was 30 to 40.

BuFaK Council

The BuFaK Council is to continue the work of the BuFaK between the conferences. It is supposed to ensure that the agreed positions are represented externally, to support the organizing student councils in the organization of a conference and, above all, to prepare workshops on university policy issues. The BuFaK council consists of up to seven directly elected people who have different tasks:

  • Two speakers : Your task is primarily to represent the outside world to other student councils , to the fzs , the university rectors' conference , the accreditation agencies , the Ministry of Education or the Federal Deans Conference for Economics .
  • Administration : Two members of the council serve as administration. You are primarily responsible for organizational questions, i.e. you look after the homepage, mailing lists or provide organizational support for organizing a conference.
  • In addition, there are up to three other members in the BuFaK Council, who are primarily responsible for the preparation and follow-up of a conference, but can of course also support the speakers and administration.

The council may co-opt other members to carry out its tasks; especially if they are proven experts in their field. These members have no voting rights, otherwise they are treated equally with the directly elected members.

  • Co-opted members : are currently responsible for public relations, looking after the working groups, looking after the organizers, looking after the safe voting in the plenum and writing minutes.

Council members since summer semester 2019

The 16th BuFaK-WiSo Council was elected on May 19, 2019 in Paderborn. The legislature ends regularly at the end of summer BuFaK 2020 in Oldenburg.

speaker Nikolai Rodehutskors ( University of Paderborn )
Administrator Lukas Corona ( University of Paderborn )
Administrator Matthias Thiemermann ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology )
another member Alexey Rosenberg ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology )
another member Florian Rappen ( Friedrich Schiller University Jena )

Working groups

In addition to the council, there can also be meetings within working groups (AGs) between the actual conferences that deal with certain topics. The following working groups are currently appointed - with their supervisors by the council and the heads of the working groups

  • AG Nationwide Semesterticket | Head: NN | Council supervisor: Florian Rappen
  • AG Public | Head: Florian Rappen | Council supervisor: Florian Rappen
  • WG composed student body | Head: Christopher Brenner | Council supervisor: NN
  • AG Sustainability | Head: Johanna von Hackewitz | Council supervisor: Marcel Skorupa
  • AG JustUs | Head: Josephin Loblow | Council supervisor: Alexey Rosenberg
  • AG Accreditation | Head: Elisa Löwe | Council supervisor: Elisa Löwe


Many of the student representatives present at a conference are initially primarily interested in an exchange of experiences, so topics relating to freshman work, student representatives, recruiting young people, organizing student council parties, etc. have been important for many years.

In the area of ​​higher education policy, the discussion is currently dominated by the conversion of the degree programs to Bachelor and Master within the framework of the Bologna process and the associated accreditation. Questions about university funding and tuition fees also preoccupied the conferences and sparked discussions, especially during the plenums.

There are also working groups for the further development of individual courses, such as industrial engineering .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Section on the schedule on the website for the BuFaK WiSo in the summer semester 2017 in Karlsruhe
  2. BuFaK Council: The current BuFaK Council | BuFaK WiSo. (No longer available online.) In: bufak-wiso.org. Archived from the original on November 7, 2017 ; accessed on May 11, 2018 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / bufak-wiso.org
  3. BuFaK Council: Nationwide semester ticket | BuFaK WiSo. (No longer available online.) In: bufak-wiso.org. Archived from the original on December 10, 2016 ; Retrieved December 9, 2016 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / bufak-wiso.org
  4. BuFaK Council: Working groups | BuFaK WiSo. (No longer available online.) In: bufak-wiso.org. Archived from the original on December 10, 2016 ; Retrieved December 9, 2016 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / bufak-wiso.org