Burkhard V. von Broich

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Burkhard V. von Broich (* before 1320; † 1367 ) was a German nobleman and by inheritance Herr von Broich .


On November 6, 1348, he and his son Dietrich V. concluded with Dietrich III. von Limburg with son Cracht and grandson Dietrich IV. , Johann von Limburg-Styrum with son Dietrich III. and Gerhard von Berg an eternal alliance against all current and future enemies.



Burkhard was a son of Dietrich IV von Broich († after 1310) and his wife Lysa, daughter of Dietrich II von Moers (* around 1235; † June 20, 1307) and Margaretha von Isenburg-Arenfels.

Marriage and offspring

Burkhard was married to Lukardis. They had the following offspring:

⚭ around 1357 Catharina (* before 1334; † after 1384), daughter of Ludolf VII. Von Steinfurt and Peronetta von Bilstein
  • Cunnigunde
⚭ John I of Linnep



  • Otto Redlich : Mülheim ad Ruhr. Its history from the beginning to the transition to Prussia in 1815. City of Mülheim an der Ruhr self-published, Mülheim an der Ruhr 1939.

Individual evidence

  1. Lacomblet, Document Book for the History of the Lower Rhine, Volume III. No. 463
predecessor Office successor
Adolf Lord von Broich
after 1317–1366
Dietrich V.