Burmannia lutescens

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Burmannia lutescens
Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Yams (Dioscoreales)
Family : Burmanniaceae
Genre : Burmannia
Type : Burmannia lutescens
Scientific name
Burmannia lutescens

Burmannia lutescens is a non-leafy plant species fromthe Burmanniaceae family . It is native to Malesia in heavily shaded, evergreen forests.


Burmannia lutescens is an annual, leaf-green, unbranched to branched herbaceous plant that reaches a height of 4.5 to 18 centimeters. It is mycotrophic . There is no rhizome, the roots are thickened and short. Leaves are absent at the base and only occur sporadically on the stem, where they are scale-like, triangularly pointed and 1.6 to 5 millimeters long.

The inflorescence is a double wrap consisting of an occasional single flower, but mostly two to three, rarely five or six flowers . The short-stalked flowers are 6.7 to 11 millimeters long and white in color with yellow lobes. The flower tube is cylindrical and 3.5 to 5 millimeters long, the multifarious wings are half elliptical, half wedge-shaped, square or reduced to a rib and run from the middle of the base of the outer flower lobes to the upper part or the base of the ovary. The outer lobes are egg-shaped to triangular or elongated-round, thin or fleshy thick, erect or with rolled or slightly rolled edges and 1 to 1.8 millimeters long, the inner small, circular, thin or fleshy thickened and 0.3 to 0 , 4 millimeters long. The stamens are sessile and start in the pharynx, the connective has two short, lateral arms that carry the thecae and a short, hanging spur at the base, but arms and spur can also be missing. The stylus is thread-shaped, at its end there are three almost sessile scars .

The ovaries are approximately spherical or broadly rhombic and 2.5 to 3.8 millimeters long. The capsule opens irregularly along transverse slits. The seeds are numerous, yellow and thread-like.


Burmannia lutescens is native to the east-west between the Bismarck Archipelago and New Guinea to Sumatra and Borneo and north-south between Palawan and Mindanao to Java at altitudes between sea level and 1700 meters. It is found in heavily shaded, evergreen forests and is characterized by its diversity.


The species was first described by Odoardo Beccari in 1877 .


  1. a b c d e Dianxiang Zhang: Systematics of Burmannia L. (Burmanniaceae) in the Old World. Pp. 238–243, In: Hong Kong University Theses Online, Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Hong Kong, 1999.