Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

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The Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ( Latin : Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae ; Order abbreviation : CICM ) is a Roman Catholic male order that was initially intended for the China mission .


The order was founded in 1862 in Scheut, a suburb of Brussels , Belgium , by the Belgian secular priest Théophile Verbist . He was on July 20, 1900 by Pope Leo XIII. recognized by the church. The official ecclesiastical denomination refers to the spirituality of this community, at the center of which is the special veneration of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother Mary .

Initially, the missionary work of the Chinese Empire was the focus of the missionary interests of the founder of the order. Later the missionary mandate expanded to the whole world. Currently more than 1000 priest and brother monks work in 23 countries on all continents.

In the German-speaking area the community is known under the names:

  • Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  • Missionaries of the Scheut Society
  • Missionaries von Scheut
  • Shy missionaries
  • Scheutvelder missionaries

General Superior

  1. Teophiel Verbist (1862-1865)
  2. Frans Vranckx (1869-1888)
  3. Jeroom Van Aertselaer (1888-1898)
  4. Adolf Van Hecke (1898-1908)
  5. Albert Botty (1908-1909)
  6. Florent Mortier (1909-1920)
  7. Joseph Rutten (1920-1930)
  8. Constantin Daems (June 23, 1930 - December 11, 1934)
  9. Jozef Vandeputte (1935-1957)
  10. Frans Sercu (1957-1961)
  11. Omer Degrijse (1961-1967)
  12. Wim Goossens (1967-1974)
  13. Paul Van Daelen (1974-1987)
  14. Michel Decraene (1987-1993)
  15. Jacques Thomas (1993-1999)
  16. Jozef Lapauw (September 20, 1999 - July 23, 2005)
  17. Edouard Tsimba Ngoma (2005 - ...)

Known members of the order

Web links

Commons : CICM Missionaries  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. René Oosterlinck: “Naar Xiwanzi!” In de foetsporen van de CICM missionaries . In: Verbiest Koerier , vol. 26 (2015), December issue, pp. 9–13.