Camil Afram Antoine Semaan

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Yaacoub Camil Afram Antoine Semaan (born May 2, 1980 in Beirut , Lebanon ) is a Lebanese Syrian Catholic clergyman , bishop and patriarchal exarch of Jerusalem .


Camil Afram Antoine Semaan studied Philosophy and Catholic Theology at the University of St. Esprit in Kaslik . He received the sacrament of priestly ordination on June 24th, 2006 from the Syrian Catholic Patriarch of Antioch , Ignatius Pierre VIII. Abdel-Ahad .

He then worked in pastoral care and as secretary to the patriarch. Until 2016 he was also Chancellor of the Patriarchate and a member of the Church Court of the Patriarchate. During this time he studied canon law at La Sagesse University in Beirut and obtained his licentiate in 2011 . Since 2016 he has been assistant to the Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem, Grégoire Pierre Melki . After his age-related resignation from office, Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III appointed him . Younan on November 20, 2019 as administrator of the Exarchate.

The Syrian Catholic Synod elected him Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem. On March 28, 2020, Pope Francis confirmed the election and appointed him titular bishop of Hierapolis in Syria dei Siri . On April 15 of the same year he was also appointed patriarchal administrator of the vacant Cairo eparchy and patriarchal exarch of the areas belonging to the patriarchy in Sudan and South Sudan. Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III. Younan ordained him episcopal on August 15, 2020 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Elezione dell'Esarca per i fedeli siri a Gerusalemme, Palestina e Giordania. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , March 28, 2020, accessed March 28, 2020 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Grégoire Pierre Melki Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem
since 2020