Camille Mauclair

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Camille Mauclair 1921

Severin Faust or Camille Mauclair as a pseudonym (born December 29, 1872 in Paris ; † April 23, 1945 ibid) was a French poet, short story writer, biographer , author of travel literature, art historian and art critic . During World War II he was a supporter of the Vichy government , which worked closely with the German occupying forces in France.


Mauclair started out as a poet and wrote short stories. He also worked as an art critic for a number of magazines. From the mid-1890s onwards, novels and dozens of publications on visual artists, musicians and music, museums and the art history of cities and landscapes followed.

His poems have been edited by composers such as Ernest Chausson (Trois Lieder op. 27), Ernest Bloch , Gustave Charpentier , Ernest Chausson and Nadia Boulanger , who set some of his poems to music in the early 1920s. He also wrote the libretto for the Conte Lyrique "Nele Dooryn", which premiered at the Opéra-Comique in Paris in 1940 . Together with Lugné-Poe he founded the "Théâtre de l'Œuvre" in Paris.

In 1934 he was elected an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters .


  • 1894: Sonatines d'automne.
  • 1904: Le Sang parle
  • 1926: Émotions chantées
Novels and short stories
  • 1895: Couronne de clarté, Paul Ollendorff, Éditeur, Paris
  • 1897: Les Clefs d'or
  • 1924. Au pays des blondes
  • 1896: Jules Laforgue .
  • 1902: Les Camelots de la pensée.
  • 1904: Fragonard .
  • 1906: Schumann .
  • 1909: Eugène Delacroix .
    • German: 1913 Eugène Delacroix
  • 1909: Essais sur l'émotion musicale. La Religion de la musique
  • 1912: Essais sur l'amour. L'amour physique.
  • 1913: Les miniatures de L'Empire et de la Restitution: Portraits de femmes, H. Piozza, Paris
  • 1914: Histoire de la musique européenne: 1850–1914. Les hommes, les idées, les œvres
  • 1914: Florence. Translated by Rosa Schapire . Georg Müller Publishing House, Munich
  • 1919: Essais sur l'émotion musicale. Les Héros de l'orchestre
  • 1923: Florence: l'histoire, les arts, les lettres, les sanctuaires, l'âme de la cité
    • German 1939: Florence. Translated by Rosa Schapire. Georg Müller Publishing House, Munich
  • extended (?): Histoire de la miniature féminine française: le dix-huitième Siècle, l'Empire, la Restauration
  • 1930: Corot
    • 1931: translated into German by Walter Meier. Corot. Wasmuth, Berlin 1931
  • 1930: Jules Chéret . Garrec, Paris
  • 1930: Gabriel Belot: étude critique de Camille Mauclair, Henry Babou, Paris
  • 1931: Louis Legrand
  • 1935: Greuze et son temps. A. Michel, Paris
  • 1936: Visions de Rome
    • 1939: German. Rome. Deuticke, Vienna
  • 1937: Degas
    • German 1955: Vollmer, Wiesbaden / Berlin
  • 1937: L'ardente Sicile - Inferno e Paradiso
  • 1939: Le charme des petites cités d'Italie: Pavie, Crémone, Plaisance, Parme, Mantoue, Sirmione, Vérone, Vicence, Padoue
    • 1939: German: The beautiful little town: Northern Italy. Pavia, Cremona, Piacenza, Parma, Mantua, Sirmione, Verona, Vicenza, Padua. Deuticke, Vienna
  • 1939: Turner , Hyperion Press, Paris, translated into English by Evelyn Byam Shaw
  • 1939. Normandy
  • 1944: Claude Monet et l'impressionnisme


  • Simonetta Valenti: Camille Mauclair, homme-de-lettre fin-de-siècle , Milano 2003

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nele Dooryn. A novella. Translated into Dt. Irene Kafka . Series: Novellen , 27. Verlag Österreichisches Journal , Vienna 1929, pp. 215 - 241. Only evidence from the Vienna Library
  2. Honorary Members: Camille Mauclair. American Academy of Arts and Letters, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  3. Couronne de Clarté