Carl August Lieberich

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Carl August Lieberich (born June 22, 1893 in Neustadt / Haardt , † October 21, 1970 in Cape Town ) was a German officer and association functionary. From 1950 to 1964 he was managing director of the Main Association of the German Wood Industry (HDH) in Wiesbaden .


Carl August Lieberich was the son of Christian Ludwig Lieberich (* 1856 Winzingen (Neustadt) ; † 1928 Neustadt / Haardt ) and Georgine Philippine Kranzbühler. Parents and grandparents were millers at the Kronenmühle in Winzingen (Neustadt).

After graduating from the humanistic grammar school in Neustadt in 1912, Lieberich joined the Rhenish foot artillery regiment No. 8 in Metz. He served as a lieutenant in World War I and was awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd class with swords, and the Iron Cross, 1st class. In 1917 he was promoted to lieutenant .

From 1919 to 1922 he studied economics in Berlin. In 1920 he also became head of department of the Association of German Employers' Associations in Berlin and worked on the draft of the Work Evidence Act of July 22, 1922. On August 1, 1922, Carl August Lieberich was appointed managing director of several business and employer associations in the Mainz-Wiesbaden area, where he set himself social and collective bargaining tasks which, thanks to his negotiating skills, brought the collective bargaining partners closer together - without arbitration bodies. After the self-dissolution of the employers' associations under pressure from the NSDAP on December 14, 1933, he took over the management of the social and personnel department of the Albert chemical works in Wiesbaden-Biebrich in 1934 as authorized signatory .

In 1941 Lieberich was called up as a major to St. Malo ( Normandy ), where he was responsible for supplying the Channel Islands of Jersey , Guernsey and Alderney , which were occupied by the Wehrmacht . On August 11, 1944, he was awarded the Knight's Cross as defender of the Fort de la Varde / Paramé . Due to the Allied landing in Normandy and the Battle of Brittany , he was taken prisoner by the US in August 1944 .

After the repatriation in 1947, he was initially authorized signatory of a chemical wholesaling company in Wiesbaden until he was appointed managing director of the HDH (Main Association of the German Wood Industry) on September 1, 1950.

Carl August Lieberich was buried in Wiesbaden-Biebrich. The third son - Holger Lieberich (* 1940) - became known as a musician.



  • Franz Kurowski : German officers in the state, economy and science , Maximilian-Verlag, Herford 1967. In it p. 109–113: Major retired Carl August Lieberich .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the BDA and the German employers' associations , accessed on August 3, 2013.