Carl Eggert

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Carl Georg Eggert (born May 25, 1824 in Danzig ; † April 1, 1903 in Hamburg ) was a Hamburg merchant , member of the Reichstag and member of the Hamburg parliament.

Eggert emigrated to Peru after completing a commercial apprenticeship . He worked for the English company Antony Gibbs & Sons , London, alternately in Lima and on the west coast of Peru, mainly in the guano trade before he returned to Germany in 1867 as a Peruvian citizen. From 1867 to 1869 he was Peruvian chargé d' affaires in Berlin . In 1870 he regained Prussian citizenship and moved to Hamburg.

Eggert was elected as a candidate of the National Liberal Party in the Reichstag election in 1871 for the constituency of Bromberg 3. He was a member of the Reichstag until 1874. In 1876 Eggert was appointed director of the Peruvian Guano Company in London and relocated to London. Due to the saltpeter war between Peru, Bolivia and Chile from 1879 to 1884, the company's business was bad and it was liquidated in 1881. Eggert returned to Hamburg in 1880. From 1880 to 1898 Eggert belonged to the Hamburg citizenship, at times he was a deputy of the finance deputation. From 1892 to 1896 he was state commissioner for the Hamburg free port warehouse company . Eggert was a member of the Supervisory Board of Commerz- und Disconto-Bank from 1874 to 1878 .


  • Bernd Haunfelder : The Liberal Members of the German Reichstag 1871-1918. A biographical manual. Aschendorff, Münster 2004, ISBN 3-402-06614-9 , p. 120.
  • Carl Eggert: Between Germany and South America. Carl Eggert in correspondence with his siblings 1845–1868. Society of Book Friends in Hamburg, Hamburg 1967.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Detlef Krause: The Commerz and Disconto Bank 1870–1920 / 23. 2004, ISBN 978-3-515-08486-4 , p. 102
  2. ^ Frank M. Hinz: Planning and financing of the Speicherstadt in Hamburg. Mixed economy company foundings in the 19th century with special consideration of the Hamburg free port warehouse company. 2000, ISBN 3825836320 , p. 121
  3. Detlef Krause: The Commerz- und Disconto-Bank 1870-1920 / 23. P. 112

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