Carl J. Schäuble

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Carl J. Schäuble (born April 10, 1933 , † August 24, 2010 ) was a German hit writer . Until 2004 he was also on the board of the German Lyricists Association . He was also involved in GEMA until the end of his life .

His great successes include the text for Ask the Wind , which won the first Festival Internacional da Canção in Rio de Janeiro in 1966 with a melody by Helmut Zacharias and performed by Inge Brück . The Norwegian Wenche Myhre in 1968 with the texted him and Horst Jankowski voiced report a high of love for Germany sixth in the Grand Prix Euro Vision Song Contest in London . The song Sebastian , which he wrote and performed by Tonia , took second place in the German qualifying round for the 1973 competition in Luxembourg, just one point behind the contribution made by Gitte's Young Day .

In addition to the texting of numerous other Horst Jankowski melodies - including about the Black Forest trip - he wrote the words for songs that have been interpreted by Cliff Richard , Hoffmann & Hoffmann , Howard Carpendale , Karel Gott , Katja Ebstein , Klaus Havenstein and Sylvia Vrethammar , among others . His collaboration with Joy Fleming from Mannheim was particularly lasting , for whom, in addition to many other texts, he also provided the words for her Neckarbrücken blues in 1972 .

His urn was buried in nature on December 18, 2010 in FriedWald in the Saarbrücken district of Kirschheck . Its last address there is the USB270 tree.

Web links and literature

  • , directory of various Schäuble songs
  • Rolf Moser, Andreas Scheuermann: Handbook of the Music Industry , 2003