Carl von Praun

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Carl von Praun , also Karl (born May 13, 1732 in Wolfenbüttel ; † March 30, 1808 in Braunschweig ) was a German lawyer, mining captain and chamber president.


He was the eldest son of the Brunswick court councilor Georg Septimus Andreas von Praun and his first wife Friederike Luise, nee. von Brandenstein († 1745). From Praun since 1750 four semesters studying jurisprudence at the University of Helmstedt , and then two years in Göttingen . In 1754 he became an auditor in the law office in Wolfenbüttel. There he worked as a councilor from 1757 to 1764. He was then appointed Brunswick Vice Mining Captain in Zellerfeld . In 1785 he became mining captain and at the same time regional president of Blankenburg . Mining in the Upper Harz was operated jointly with the Electorate of Hanover, which is also Guelph, as part of a communion treaty, with the Principality of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel entitled to a share of 3/7. Due to high indebtedness, this share was transferred to the Electorate of Hanover in 1788, whereby von Praun lost his duties for the Upper Harz mining in 1789 and was thus the last Brunswick miner for the Upper Harz. He was still responsible for the Lower Harz mining. In 1790 he was appointed as the successor to Karl August von Hardenberg as the Real Privy Councilor and President of the Chamber. He held these offices until 1807, where he was relieved from 1805 by the appointment of Gustav Anton von Wolffradts as a privy councilor and member of the Privy Council College.


Individual evidence

  1. Handbook for Merchants. For the years 1785 and 1786 . Part 1: etc descriptions German factory and trading cities . Siegfried Leberecht Crusius, Leipzig 1786, p. 214 ( ).
  2. Wilfried Liessmann: Historical mining in the Harz: short guide. Heidelberg 2010, p. 25.