Carlo Lasinio

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Count Carlo Lasinio (born February 10, 1759 in Treviso , † March 26, 1838 in Pisa ) was an Italian draftsman , etcher and engraver . But he mainly worked in Florence

life and work

Lasinio was the curator of the art treasures of the gallery in Pisa and made himself known for the preservation and reproduction of works of art of older times. The 40 sheets of ornaments after old frescoes and oil paintings in Florence (1789), and the 41 sheets of the Pitture a fresco del Campo Santo di Pisa (the wall paintings of Camposanto in Pisa, Florence, 1810-1812) and those of his son and are significant Student Giovanni Paolo (1796–1855) drew famous frescoes from the 14th and 15th centuries (2nd edition, 1841, 32 sheets).

His son also drew and engraved the frescoes of Camposanto of Pisa (1832, 44 sheets) and engraved the panels for Ippolito Rosellini's Monumenti dell'Egitto e de la Nubia (Egyptian and Nubian antiquities).


Web links

Commons : Carlo Lasinio  - collection of images, videos and audio files