Caspar March (medic, 1654)

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Caspar March

Caspar March , also Kaspar Marche or Marchius (born September 30, 1654 in Berlin , † May 29, 1706 in Greifswald ), was a German medic.


Caspar March was the son of the physician and mathematician Caspar March (medic, 1619) (1619–1677) and Catharina Schmidt. Diedrich Hermann Biederstedt gives Berlin as his place of birth , while Christoph Helwig Rostock , Wilhelm Heß, in the General German Biography , names Greifswald. He was tutored by private tutors and then studied medicine and philosophy at the University of Greifswald .

During the Swedish-Brandenburg War he worked for two years with his father in a military hospital. He was then appointed embassy doctor, but soon gave up this post to continue studying medicine at Leiden University . From there he went to Kiel , where he received his doctorate in medicine in 1680 . In 1682 he was appointed court physician to Kurbrandenburg. In 1685 he was appointed elector archiatrist and supervisor of the court pharmacy.

Caspar March was appointed professor of medicine at the University of Greifswald in 1700 and took up his post in July 1701. In 1704 he was dean of the medical faculty and became rector of the university in December of the same year.

See also


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Individual evidence

  1. Hans Georg Thümmel , Christoph Helwig: History of the Medical Faculty Greifswald: History of the Medical Faculty from 1456 to 1713 by Christoph Helwig DJ and the Dean's Book of the Medical Faculty from 1714 to 1823. Franz Steiner Verlag, 2002, ISBN 978-3-515- 07908-2 , pp. 175-177.
  2. Hans Georg Thümmel , Christoph Helwig: History of the Medical Faculty Greifswald: History of the Medical Faculty from 1456 to 1713 by Christoph Helwig DJ and the Dean's Book of the Medical Faculty from 1714 to 1823. Franz Steiner Verlag, 2002, ISBN 978-3-515- 07908-2 , pp. 181-183.
predecessor Office successor
Theodor Horn Rector of the University of Greifswald
Johann Friedrich Mayer