Cay Lienau

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Cay Lienau (born July 3, 1937 in Lübeck ) is a German classical philologist and geographer .


Studied classical philology and geography in Freiburg im Breisgau , Rome and Kiel , scholarship from the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst . Doctorate to Dr. phil. 1963 in Kiel in Greek studies with Hans Diller with the edition of the Hippocratic script Περὶ ἐπικυήσιος ( Peri epikyesios , Von der Überwängerung ), then scientific assistant for the subject of Greek studies at the University of Giessen , change to geography, research assistant to Harald Uhlig and Walther Manshard and Habilitation in geosciences in 1974 with a thesis on economic and population development in the Western Peloponnese . 1974 to 2002 professor of geography at the University of Münster. The main focuses of his research are settlement, population and social geography, general geography, regional focus on Greece and Southeast Europe. From 2002 to 2014 he was a member of the commission for interdisciplinary research on Southeast Europe at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and from 2000 to 2004 chairman of the scientific advisory board of the Southeast Europe Society (Munich) . Research trips to Africa, Siberia, Greece and Southeast Europe.

Lienau is involved in a variety of ways in the field of German-Greek relations and German-Greek cultural exchange, is a co-founder and, from 1977 to 2005, first chairman of the German-Greek Society in Münster, which has been organizing the Münster Greece Seminar since 1996. From 1979 to 2018 he was also a member of the board of the Association of German-Greek Societies . From 2006 to 2018 he was co-editor and editor of their journal Hellenika - Yearbook for Greek Culture and German-Greek Relations . Together with Horst-Dieter Blume he is the editor of the series Choregia - Münstersche Greece Studies , in which sixteen volumes on topics of culture, geography and history of modern Greece were published from 2002 until the series was discontinued in 2018.

Fonts (selection)

  • (with Hermann Mattes ): Greece's northeast. A geographic-ecological culture . LIT Münster 2018
  • Christians and Muslims in mixed ethno-religious settlements on the eastern Balkan Peninsula ; in: Dep. d. Akad. D. Knowledge Göttingen NF Vol. 24, de Gruyter Berlin / Boston 2014, pp. 459–486.
  • The Greek guest worker migration and its effects on areas of origin and destination ; in: W. Schultheiß and E. Chrysos (eds.), Milestones in German-Greek Relations , Athens 2012, pp. 263–273.
  • State-national culture of remembrance in Greek Thrace ; in: Dep. d. Akad. D. Knowledge Göttingen NF Vol. 12, de Gruyter Berlin / Boston 2011, pp. 357–378.
  • (Ed.): Spatial structures and borders in Southeast Europe. Munich 2001.
  • (with Hermann Mattes): Nature and people on the Jenissei. Reports from the research area development research 23, Münster 2001.
  • The rural settlements. The Geographical Seminar. Westermann Schulbuchverlag, 4th edition Braunschweig 2000
  • The Mani Settlements ; in: Dep. d. Akad. D. Knowledge Göttingen 1996, Phil.-Hist. Class 3.F., 212, pp. 198-221.
  • Greece. Geography of a state in the European southern periphery. Darmstadt 1989.
  • (with Günter Prinzing ): Albania. Contribution to geography and history. Münster 1986.
  • Malawi. Geography of an underdeveloped country , Darmstadt 1981

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