Centaurea lancifolia

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Centaurea lancifolia
Order : Astern-like (Asterales)
Family : Daisy family (Asteraceae)
Subfamily : Carduoideae
Tribe : Cynareae
Genre : Knapweed ( Centaurea )
Type : Centaurea lancifolia
Scientific name
Centaurea lancifolia
Sieber ex Spreng.

Centaurea lancifolia is a plant from the genus of knapweed ( Centaurea ) in the family of Compositae (Asteraceae).


Centaurea lancifolia is a perennial stem hemicryptophyte that reaches heights of 20 to 35 centimeters. The leaves are linear-lanceolate and undivided, the middle ones are 40 to 60 millimeters in size.

The appendages of the bracts are triangular, dark brown and have (9) 11 to 15 (17) × 2 to 4 millimeters large spines. The heads have a diameter of 15 to 20 millimeters. The flowers are yellow. The pappus is double-rowed, feathery and just as long as the 5 to 7 millimeter measuring fruit.

The flowering time is in July.


Centaurea lancifolia was first collected and named by Franz Wilhelm Sieber in 1817 , a valid first description was not published until 1826 by Curt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel . Synonyms are Wagenitzia lancifolia (Sieber ex Spreng.) Dostál and Chartolepis lancifolia (Spreng.) Fenzl .


Centaurea lancifolia is endemic to Crete . The species grows in limestone crevices in the Lefka Ori and Dikti at altitudes of 1700 to 1900 meters.

Hazards and protective measures

Because of their low overall population, which mature at about 250 individuals is estimated this kind is (in the "high risk" Endangered ) out. Centaurea lancifolia is listed as a strictly protected species in Appendix I of the Bern Convention and listed as a protected species in Appendix IV of Directive 92/43 / EEC (Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive) . At the national level, it is protected by Presidential Decree 67/81.

supporting documents


  • Ralf Jahn, Peter Schönfelder: Excursion flora for Crete . With contributions by Alfred Mayer and Martin Scheuerer. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 1995, ISBN 3-8001-3478-0 , p. 326 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Wilhelm Sieber: Avis de Plantes. Herbarium creticum, aegyptiacum, palaestinense. Prague 1821, p. 5.
  2. ^ Kurt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel: Systema vegetabilium. Editio decima sexta. Volume 3, Libraria Dieterichiana, Göttingen 1826, p. 406 (online).
  3. Werner Greuter (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). - In: W. Greuter & E. von Raab-Straube (eds.): Compositae. Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Datasheet Centaurea lancifolia In: Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
  4. a b c Wagenitzia lancifolia in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. Listed by: Nicholas J. Turland, 2011. Retrieved May 17, 2014.

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