Center-Est (Burkina Faso)

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Basic data
Capital : Tenkodogo
Provinces : 3
Governor : Siméon Sawadogo
Area : 14,852 km²
Residents : 1,077,350 (January 2006)
Population density: 72.5 inhabitants / km²
ISO 3166-2 : BF-04
Elfenbeinküste Ghana Togo Benin Niger Mali Boucle du Mouhoun Nord Sahel Centre-Nord Plateau Central Centre Est Centre-Est Centre-Sud Centre-Ouest Sud-Ouest Hauts-Bassins Cascadesmap
About this picture

Center-Est is one of 13 regions into which the West African state of Burkina Faso is administratively divided. The capital is Tenkodogo . The region to the south covers the provinces of Koulpélogo , Boulgou and Kouritenga on an area of ​​14,852 km² and has 1,077,350 inhabitants (January 2006). The two predominant ethnic groups are Bissa and Mossi . In Center-Est there are three forêts classées; Sitenga, Ouilingaré and Sablogo.

Huts in Dourtenga (Koulpélogo)

On July 23, 2007, Siméon Sawadogo took over the office of governor from Jacob Ouédraogo, who will take up his mandate as a member of the national parliament after 30 months in office. Sawadogo is a teacher by profession and has held various positions in administration and politics.

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