Channel 4

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Infobox radio tower icon
Channel 4
Station logo
TV station (publicly owned company)
Program type Full program
reception terrestrial , cable , satellite , IPTV
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission 2nd November 1982
language English
Seat London
Broadcaster Channel Four Television Corporation
List of TV channels

Channel 4 is a British television station founded in 1982 . The establishment is owned by public law and financed privately through advertising and other commercial activities.


Channel 4 owes its name to the fact that there were only three stations in the United Kingdom when it was founded in 1982, namely the two BBC channels "BBC 1" and "BBC 2" as well as ITV . The British Parliament decided to create a fourth program. On November 2, 1982, Channel 4 first went on air. In 1990 the station was transferred to a stock corporation , the shares of which are owned by the Ministry of Culture .

He increased his audience numbers in the 1990s by purchasing sports rights , American television series such as Emergency Room and Friends, and reality TV programs. An affiliated film production company, which had to close in 2002 due to losses, contributed films such as Four Weddings and a Death and Trainspotting to the program. Since 2002 the programs about the TV chef Jamie Oliver can be seen on Channel 4 .

The broadcaster operates other channels such as Film4 , E4 and More4 , which have been broadcast digitally since May 6, 2008, are unencrypted and can be received free of charge. Channel 4 itself was also switched on unencrypted on Astra 28.2 degrees east. Since May 6, 2008, all Channel 4 programs have therefore been broadcast uncoded. To broadcasting rights and licenses comply, broadcasting takes place Channel 4 in January 2014 to focus on the British Isles UK-spot beam of the "satellite Astra 2E ".

Supervision and programming

The broadcaster is subject to the supervision of the Office of Communications and has a public program mandate . The normal program is broadcast in all parts of the UK and Ireland . In Wales , Channel 4 has only been available since the switch to digital television in 2010. Previously, the station S4C ( Welsh Sianel Pedwar Cymru ) was broadcast analogue instead , on which a mixed program consisting of parts of the Channel 4 program and programs in Welsh was broadcast. With the availability of full Channel 4 programming, S4C became a purely Welsh language program.

Channel 4 , together with the Saatchi Gallery , awards the student art prize 4 New Sensations .

In March 2007, the completed three-part documentary Wank Week (literally: "Wichswoche") caused a sensation, in which it comes to variants of masturbation , which were explained by the American sexologist Betty Dodson . Due to protests from conservative circles of the supervisory authority, it has not yet been broadcast. Public criticism was also expressed at lectures given at the James MacTaggart Memorial Lectures in the context of the Edinburgh International Television Festival . A year earlier, Penis Week had been broadcast on Channel 4, and it was largely received positively by the public.


In November 2019, Channel 4 invited political party leaders to a prime-time debate on the climate crisis . Prime Minister Boris Johnson was the only one not to accept this invitation. The broadcaster then replaced Johnson with an ice sculpture during the debate, which melted as the debate progressed.

Web links

Commons : Channel 4  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Article "Wank week 'postponed" by Jason Deans ( The Guardian , February 2, 2007), accessed September 26, 2019.
  2. Sender replaces Boris Johnson with a melting ice sculpture . In: Spiegel Online . November 29, 2019 ( [accessed November 29, 2019]).