Charles Sydney Price

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Charles Sydney Price ( May 7, 1887 in Sheffield, England , † March 8, 1947 in Pasadena, California ) was a British-American Pentecostal preacher and healing evangelist whose campaigns in the United States and Canada attracted thousands.


Charles Sydney Price was born in Sheffield, England in 1887. After two years of service in the Royal Navy , he attended Wesley College in Sheffield, where he received methodist religious training . He later claimed to have attended Oxford Law School, which, however, cannot be proven. After he emigrated to Canada in 1906, Price settled in the USA from March 1907. Here he came to the Christian faith through an evangelism event and joined the Free Methodist Mission . Within the community he met Bessie Rae Osborn († 1967), whom he married and with whom he was to have four children. Price pastored a congregation in Sedro-Woolley, Washington , but changed jobs frequently and led congregational churches in Valdez, Alaska , Santa Rosa, California , Oakland, California, and Lodi, California, among others . He not only used his speaking talent for church services, but also appeared as an entertainer at summer camps. In 1921 he attended a revival event of the evangelist and spiritual healer Aimee McPherson in San Jose, California , which he viewed very critically. But Price felt a revival of his faith during the event, which is why he turned to the Pentecostal faith . Since his own parish in Lodi did not want to follow him, he founded a new Pentecostal church under the name Lodi Bethel Temple . At the invitation of Aimee McPherson, he accompanied the revival preacher on her national campaigns, for which he even had to stand in in Ashland, Oregon in September 1922 . From then on, Price held his own healing and revival events in the United States and Canada, which are said to have attracted 250,000 visitors in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1923 . Price was not limited to North America, however, but also toured Norway, Italy, Turkey, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Lebanon. To promote his appearance as a spiritual healer, Price referred to himself as a doctor without having acquired such a title. Among other things, he counted the sister of Demos Shakarian , with whom he was a close friend, to his miraculous healings . In addition to publishing numerous books on Christian Spiritual Healing and the End Times , Prince taught at Southern California Bible College in Costa Mesa, California .

Fonts (selection)

  • The Great Physician , 1923
  • Mussolini: Is he the anti-Christ? , 1929
  • The Story of My Life , 1935
  • The Battle of Armageddon , 1938
  • The Sick are Healed , 1939
  • The Real Faith , 1940


  • Randall Herbert Balmer, Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism , Baylor University Press, Waco, Texas 2004
  • Tim Enloe, Dr. Charles S. Price: His Life, Ministry and Influence , Assemblies of God Heritage, Springfield, Missouri 2008, Volume 28

Individual evidence

  1. Randall Herbert Balmer, Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism , Baylor University Press, Waco, Texas 2004, pp. 556 f.
  2. Roy Weremchuk, THUS Saith the Lord? , Deutscher Wissenschafts-Verlag, Baden-Baden 2019, p. 525