Chemistry teacher training

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Further training for chemistry teachers is organized measures for the further training of teachers in chemistry as a subject . The target group are therefore chemistry teachers for the lower secondary level (e.g. Hauptschule , Realschule and Gymnasium ) as well as for the upper secondary level II . Further training courses for chemistry teachers are to be distinguished from those for teachers at the primary level with a focus on chemistry in subject teaching .

The general aim of further training is to ensure that teachers maintain and expand their professional qualifications. The teacher training takes place alongside the job. Depending on the federal state , teachers are legally obliged to undertake further training (e.g. Hessen ). In-service training courses for teachers must meet special requirements (such as the suitability of the speaker , orientation towards the target group, selection of content) and must therefore be accredited by the state . Participation in advanced training usually incurs costs that must be borne by the teacher.

Chemistry teachers can gain further training privately by studying specialist journals or textbooks themselves . You can also take part in advanced training events from various providers. In Germany, these include the Society of German Chemists (GDCh), companies, universities, technical colleges, the state school authorities and independent organizations. Often, advanced training courses for chemistry teachers are offered due to the close interlinking of the content of university institutes whose task is the training (1st phase) of chemistry teachers.

Chemistry teacher training courses can be didactic and methodical , practical experimental or purely specialized in chemistry. Often an introductory lecture (with technical and didactic-methodical content) and a laboratory internship (with experiments) are combined. Because of the experimental nature of chemistry, the experiment in particular is of great importance in advanced training. Training can be supplemented by an excursion , for example to a company in the chemical industry . E-learning or blended learning training courses, which consist of pure online phases or alternating online and face -to- face phases, are a specialty .

The variety of topics for chemistry teacher training courses is great. The Society of German Chemists (Commission for Teacher Training) has developed the following main topics:

The duration of advanced chemistry teacher training courses varies. It ranges from an hour (for example a lecture), over half a day (for example a lecture plus discussion), over a whole day (for example a lecture with a laboratory internship ) to several days (similar to one day, but intensive processing of one or several topics). E-learning or blended learning training courses can extend over several weeks in the online phases.


  • Hans Joachim Bader, Kerstin Höner and Insa Melle (eds.): Investigation of the further training behavior and the further training wishes of chemistry teachers . Frankfurt Contributions to Didactics of Chemistry (Volume 3). 1st edition. Verlagbuchhandlung Schutt, Frankfurt am Main 2004, ISBN 3-938035-00-5
  • Ahmad MA Aljanazrah: Development, implementation and evaluation of a new chemistry teacher in-service training model based on Blended Learning . Dissertation. Shaker Verlag , Aachen 2006, ISBN 3-8322-4881-1 , ISSN  0945-070X

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