Chinese great mouse-eared mouse

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Chinese great mouse-eared mouse
Order : Bats (chiroptera)
Superfamily : Smooth-nosed (Vespertilionoidea)
Family : Smooth-nosed (Vespertilionidae)
Subfamily : Myotinae
Genre : Mouse ears ( myotis )
Type : Chinese great mouse-eared mouse
Scientific name
Myotis chinensis
( Tomes , 1857)

The Chinese great mouse-eared mouse ( Myotis chinensis ) is a type of mouse-eared mouse ( Myotis ) within the bats (Chiroptera). It is distributed over parts of the People's Republic of China and in northern Southeast Asia.


The Chinese great mouse-eared ear reaches a head-trunk length of 91 to 97 millimeters and a tail length of 53 to 58 millimeters. The hind feet are 16 to 18 millimeters long. The ears measure 20 to 23 millimeters. Overall, it is a comparatively large bat species. The forearm length is 64 to 69 millimeters, the calcar is long and keeled. The back fur is dark olive-brown, on the sides there is a brown-gray or black-gray stripe, which merges into the dark gray color of the abdomen with paler hair tips.

The skull has a total length of about 23 millimeters, it is slim and at the same time robustly built. The third upper premolar P3 is slightly offset from the row of teeth.


Distribution areas of the Chinese great mouse-eared mouse (according to information from the IUCN)

The Chinese great mouse-eared mouse is distributed over parts of the central and southeastern People's Republic of China as well as in the north of Southeast Asia in Thailand , Myanmar and Vietnam . It is unclear whether it also occurs in northern Laos . In China it is found in the provinces of Jiangsu , Jiangxi , Guangdong , Guangxi , Fujian , Hainan , Hunan , Zhejiang , Sichuan , Guizhou and Yunnan as well as in Hong Kong .

Way of life

Little information is available about the bats' way of life and ecological demands. They live in different habitats from the lowlands to the mountainous regions. Like most bats, they feed on insects. The overwintering and resting takes place mainly in caves, in Southeast Asia the animals were mostly found in limestone-rich areas near watercourses.


The Chinese large mouse-eared mouse is assigned to the mouse-eared species (genus Myotis ) as an independent species . The first scientific description comes from Robert Fisher Tomes from 1957, who described it using individuals from southern China. In earlier work, the species was partially viewed as a subspecies of the great mouse-eared mouse ( Myotis myotis ).

Within the species, in addition to the nominate form M. chinensis chinensis, the second subspecies M. chinensis luctuosus Allen, 1923, is partly differentiated.

Hazard and protection

The species is classified as “least concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) due to its large distribution area and regular occurrence. There are no existential risks for the species.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e Don E. Wilson Large Myotis. In: Andrew T. Smith , Yan Xie: A Guide to the Mammals of China. Princeton University Press, 2008; Pp. 374-375, ISBN 978-0-691-09984-2 .
  2. a b c Myotis chinensis in the IUCN 2017-3 Red List of Threatened Species . Listed by: G. Csorba, P. Bates, N. Furey, 2008. Retrieved January 22, 2018.
  3. a b c Don E. Wilson & DeeAnn M. Reeder (eds.): Myotis chinensis in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed).


Web links

Commons : Mouse Ears  - Collection of images, videos and audio files