Chonsu (month)

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Chonsu (month) in hieroglyphics
M23 Z7

Z1 Z1
S. N35B

2-nw-šmw Second month of the Schemu

Khonsu called the Egyptian calendar the harvest period and the second month of the season Schemu . From the predynastic period to the end of the Middle Kingdom , Chonsu, originally the tenth month of the Sothis calendar, represented the period from the beginning of March to the beginning of April .


Location in the calendar

Alan Gardiner as well as Richard Anthony Parker suspect that Chonsu changed the year form in the course of calendar history, which is why Chonsu was postponed to the ninth month at the latest from the New Kingdom .

In the Ebers calendar around 1517 BC Chonsu was on the fourth Peret month and dated from March 16 to April 14 ( Elephantine ) and from March 21 to April 19 ( Memphis ).

The name of the second Schemu month later changed to Payni .

Beginning of the flax harvest and end of the barley harvest

The lunar calendar month of Pachon , mentioned in the New Kingdom, is documented several times from the records of the 12th Dynasty as the month of Chonsu for the beginning of the flax harvest, and it is set in the administrative calendar with the first plucking work for the fourth month of Achet (February / beginning of March). According to the records in the solar sanctuary of Niuserre, the end of the barley harvest was at the end of March.

See also


  • Rolf Krauss : Sothis and moon data: studies on the astronomical and technical chronology of ancient Egypt , Gerstenberg, Hildesheim 1985, ISBN 3-8067-8086-X
  • Richard Anthony Parker: The calendars of ancient Egypt , Chicago Press, Chicago 1950
  • Siegfried Schott : Ancient Egyptian Festival Dates , Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz / Wiesbaden 1950

Individual evidence

  1. Elmar Edel : On the inscriptions on the seasonal reliefs of the "World Chamber" from the sun sanctuary of Niuserre, part 2 . In: News from the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, No. 5 . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1964, p. 200.