Christian August Heinrich Clodius

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Christian August Heinrich Clodius (born September 21, 1772 in Altenburg , † March 30, 1836 in Leipzig ) was a German poet and philosopher.

He was the son of Christian August Clodius . He got his education from his talented mother Julie Clodius .


Clodius was considered a precocious genius and came to Leipzig University as early as 1787. In 1795 he became a lecturer and in 1800 associate professor of philosophy at the University of Leipzig , from 1811 a full professor.

Clodius completed the autobiography of Johann Gottfried Seume together with Seume's publisher Georg Joachim Göschen . Seume died after writing part of his biography (up to page 183 of the first edition). Pages 184 to 264 are from Göschen. The supplement written by Clodius (p. 265 to p. 285 of the first edition) describes Seume's last days of life in Teplitz . The supplemented autobiography was published by Göschen's publishing house in 1813 after Seume's death.

Clodius edited Seume's poems in 1815. He supplemented the collection that was published in 1810 during Seume's lifetime by adding numerous of Seeum's poems, which he called "political content". Clodius also wrote a foreword to this edition published by Hartknoch Verlag in Leipzig.

Works (selection)

  • Translation of Lafontaine's fables (1803, 2 vols.)
  • "Design of a systematic poetics" (1804, 2 vols.),
  • "Fedor, the man among citizens" (Roman, 1805, 2 vols.),
  • "Outline of general religious teaching" (1808).
  • Completion of the autobiography of Johann Gottfried Seume Mein Leben together with Seume's publisher Georg Joachim Göschen, digitized version of the first edition by Verlag Georg Joachim Göschen, Leipzig 1813
  • "Klopstock's estate" (1821, 2 vol.)
  • "God in nature, in human history and in consciousness" (1818–1822, 5 vols.)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. p. 184 to p. 264 of the first edition (beginning) , (end of the part written by Göschen, marked in the first edition with "- n." )
  2. Digitized version of the first edition from p. 265
  3. Johann Gottfried Seume: Mein Leben , together with the continuation by GJ Göschen and CAH Clodius, Krater Library, published by Franz Greno, Nördlingen 1986, p. 156