Christian Flisek

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Christian Flisek (2014)

Christian Flisek (born April 15, 1974 in Bochum ) is a German politician ( SPD ), was a member of the 18th German Bundestag and a member of the 18th Bavarian State Parliament and has been a deputy member of the G10 Commission since 2018 .


Flisek grew up in Bad Reichenhall , where he obtained his Abitur at the old-language Karlsgymnasium . From 1993 he first studied business administration and later law at the University of Passau . In 1999 he passed the first state examination . After a legal traineeship at the Freyung-Grafenau District Office , the Regensburg Administrative Court and the Deggendorf Public Prosecutor's Office, he passed the second state examination in 2001. From 2001 to 2004 he worked as a research assistant at a chair for IT security law at the University of Passau. In 2003 he founded a law firm.

Political career

In 1990 Flisek became a member of the SPD. In the European elections in 2009 he ran as a candidate. Since 2011 he has been chairman of the SPD sub-district of Passau . In 2013 he was elected chairman of the SPD in Lower Bavaria and resigned from office in December 2017. From March 2014 to February 2017, he was federal chairman of the working group for the self-employed in the SPD .


After Flisek was nominated as a Bundestag candidate for the SPD in Passau in 2012, he entered the 18th Bundestag after the 2013 Bundestag election .

Flisek occupied numerous offices in the parliamentary group. Among other things, he was chairman of the SPD in the NSA committee of inquiry and in 2014 considered a questioning of Edward Snowden in Berlin to be legally possible. Furthermore, he was commissioner for business start-ups of the SPD parliamentary group. In the 2017 federal election , he was placed 21st on the state list and missed re-entry into the Bundestag. Christian Flisek has been a city councilor in Passau since 2014.

In mid-January 2018, Flisek announced that he wanted to run as a candidate in the Bavarian state elections in autumn 2018. On October 14th, the SPD direct candidate for the Passau-Ost constituency was elected to the 18th Bavarian state parliament via the SPD's Lower Bavaria list. Flisek is currently a member of the committee for constitution, law, parliamentary questions and integration and a member of the committee for science and art in the Bavarian state parliament.

Web links

Commons : Christian Flisek  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Attorney Christian Flisek on the website of the law firm Flisek + Galla , accessed on September 26, 2013.
  2. Christian Flisek (SPD) as a candidate for the 2009 European elections,, accessed on September 26, 2013
  3. SPD Niederbayern elects 38-year-old lawyer Christian Flisek as chairman ( memento of the original from September 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on, accessed on September 26, 2013. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. a b fi: Former SPD member of the Bundestag Flisek wants to join the state parliament., January 12, 2018, accessed on January 14, 2018 .
  5. AGS: Compact., accessed on January 14, 2018 .
  6. New AGS National chairman: Ralph Weinbrecht., February 15, 2017, accessed on January 14, 2018 .
  7. Christian Flisek nominated as Bundestag candidate of the SPD sub-district Passau ( Memento of the original from September 28, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at, accessed on September 26, 2013. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Preliminary results of the 2013 federal election ( memento from September 26, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) on, retrieved from the archive on September 19, 2019
  9. Christian Flisek: Congratulations to the chairman of the NSA committee of inquiry ( Memento of the original from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. "I think the Snowden survey is legally possible" in conversation with Silvia Engels on May 5, 2014
  11. Member of the Bundestag Christian Flisek is the commissioner for business start-ups in the SPD parliamentary group ( Memento of the original from September 11, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  12. Passauer Neue Presse: Bayern-SPD only with 18 seats in the Bundestag - Flisek is out . In: Passau - News - Newspaper - PNP . ( [accessed October 5, 2017]).
  13. ^ Passauer Neue Presse: Christian Flisek (SPD) made it into the state parliament . In: Passau - News - Newspaper - PNP . ( [accessed October 18, 2018]).