Christian Giel

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Christian Giel (born December 5, 1837 in Wiesbaden , † September 13, 1909 in Dresden ) was a German educator and numismatist in Russia .


Giel was a merchant in Germany . He went to Russia in 1868 to accept a position as a tutor in the Dondukow-Korsakow family. In 1869 he was named by a Countess Tolstoy , probably in the same position . From then on he made a name for himself as a numismatist in St. Petersburg . In 1886, for example, he sold some silver coins to the Münzkabinett Berlin .

In addition, since 1886 he was a corresponding member of the Society for History and Archeology of the Baltic Provinces of Russia .


  • Small contributions to the ancient numismatics of southern Russia. Herbeck, Moscow 1886, ( digitized version ).

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Notes and individual references

  1. ^ Or on October 24th in St. Petersburg.
  2. Vladimir F. Stolba: ΣΑΜΜΑΣ. For the coinage of a Bosporan tyrant. In: Ulrike Peter (ed.): Stephanos nomismatikos. Edith Schönert-Geiss on her 65th birthday. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-05-003294-4 , pp. 601–611, here p. 601 .
  3. Meeting reports of the Society for the History and Archeology of the Baltic Provinces of Russia. 1905 (1906), ZDB -ID 204494-8 , p. 129.