Christian Joseph Philipp Leimgardt

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Christian Joseph Philipp Leimgardt (* around March 2, 1761 in Borbeck ; † September 13, 1829 ibid) was a German rentmaster and mayor of the former municipality and later mayor of Borbeck in what is now the city of Essen .

Live and act

Christian Joseph Philipp Leimgardt was rent master of the Essen monastery at Haus Berge . He was the descendant of an old family of Essen officials who had their ancestral home in Borbeck.

On September 1st, 1808, at the time of the Grand Duchy of Berg , Leimgardt was appointed , against his will, the first director ( mayor ) of the new French-occupied municipality of Borbeck. In 1813, after Borbeck came to Prussia , he was taken over as mayor. The reorganization of Europe by the Congress of Vienna led to the Borbeck community becoming part of Prussia and becoming an independent mayor within the Essen district .

In 1823 Leimgardt was retired for health reasons.


  • Andreas Körner: Between Castle and Chimneys: The History of Borbeck . Henselowsky et al. Boschmann, Essen 1999, ISBN 978-3-922750-34-5 , p. 46 .
  • Erwin Dickhoff: Essen heads . Ed .: City of Essen / Historical Association for the City and Abbey of Essen. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Erwin Dickhoff: Essener streets . Ed .: City of Essen - Historical Association for City and Monastery of Essen. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 .
predecessor Office successor
- Mayor of Borbeck
1808 - 1823
Ludwig Stock