Christian Kaden

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Christian Kaden (born November 16, 1946 in Dohna ; † December 11, 2015 in Berlin ) was a German musicologist and university professor.

Live and act

Christian Kaden attended primary school in Dohna and secondary school in Pirna . There he passed his Abitur in 1965 and studied musicology and ethnology at the Humboldt University in Berlin from 1965 to 1969 with Georg Knepler and Frederick Rose . After completing his doctorate on musical pastoral signals, he worked as a music dramaturge at the Halle Opera House from 1972 to 1973 . In 1973 he began developing the subject of music sociology in research and teaching at the Humboldt University and completed his habilitation in 1983 with the thesis Notation - early polyphony - composition.

He was granted several research stays at the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel. From 1993 until his retirement in 2012 he was Professor of Musicology at the Humboldt University in Berlin. In 2005 he was appointed a full member of the Saxon Academy of the Arts (music class), from which he left in 2013.

His students include a. Sebastian Klotz , Bernhard Schrammek and Jin-Ah Kim .

Visiting lecturers and professorships



  • Shepherd Signals - Musical Syntax and Communicative Practice. Leipzig 1977.
  • Music sociology. Berlin 1984, Wilhelmshaven 1985. ISBN 978-3733300456
  • Life's wild circle. Music in the civilization process Kassel 1993, ISBN 3-7618-1147-0 .
  • The inaudible and the inaudible: what music is, what music can be. Kassel 2004, ISBN 3-7618-1513-1 .

Article (selection)

  • The position of the professional musician in the society of ancient Greece. In: BzMw 11 (1969), 47 - 66
  • Social structures as moments of movement in listening to music. In: IRASM 15 (1984), 175-202
  • Cultural Diversity: a Challenge to the World of Music. In: the world of music 31/2 (1989), 114-142
  • “What does music have to do with sound ?!” Ideas for a history of the term “music” and for a musical conceptual history. In: Archive for Conceptual History 32 (1989), 34-75
  • Farewell to the harmony of the world. On the genesis of the modern concept of music. In: Society and Music (Sociologia Internationalis, Supplement 1), Ed. W. Lipp. Berlin 1992, 27-54
  • Music sociology. In: MGG 2 (Ed. L. Finscher), Vol. 6. Kassel 1997, 1618-1670
  • Character. In: MGG 2 (Ed. L. Finscher), Vol. 9. Kassel 1998, 2149-2220
  • Music and Sociology: Perspectives, Horizons. In: Musicology and Sister Disciplines (Ed. D. Greer). Oxford 2000, 273-287
  • "Official ass". Vocal poetry in punk rock. In: Festschrift for Martin Geck on his 65th birthday, Dortmund 2001, 429-440
  • Article musiké, musica. In: Aesthetic Basic Concepts IV. Tübingen / Weimar (Metzler) 2003, 256-275
  • Scandal and ritual in music. 10 sentences. Music history as a history of understanding. Festschrift for Gernot Gruber (Ed. Joachim Brügge et al.), Tutzing 2004, 583-596
  • Music for those who have no "music". In: Music - On Concept and Concepts (Eds. M. Beiche, Albrecht Riethmüller ), Stuttgart 2006, 57-72
  • Music and language - a problem of antiquity and an issue between cultures. Colloquium of the University of Zurich on the occasion of Peter Gülke's 70th birthday , April 29, 2004. In: Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 25 (2005), Bern a. a. 2007, 19-35
  • The crazy Schumann . Horizons of a historical anthropology of music, in: ANKLAENGE 2009. Sapienti numquam sat (Festschrift for Rudolf Flotzinger ), Vienna 2009, 13-36
  • Musical notations. Shapes, Functions, Cognitive Principles, in: Ancient Notations of Music and Dance, National Gugak Center, Seoul 2011, 48-69

Published publications (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Homepage of the Humboldt University , accessed on December 24, 2015