Christian Matthiae

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Christian Matthiae (actually: Carsten Thiessen , also: Matthiä ; * 1584 in Epenwöhrden ; † January 22, 1655 in Utrecht ) was a German Protestant theologian.


Matthiae attended the Latin school in Meldorf . He then studied theology at the University of Wittenberg and in 1607 at the University of Gießen . In 1614 he became rector of the grammar school in Durlach , received his doctorate in theology in Gießen in 1617 and became professor of theology at the University of Altdorf in 1618 . He ended this academic career in 1622 when he followed a call as senior pastor and superintendent in Meldorf.

After the conquest of Dithmarschen in the Thirty Years' War , he turned against the practice of the new rulers to fill pastoral posts with the state. He saw in this procedure a violation of the sovereignty of the church. Because of his criticism he was imprisoned in Krempe (Steinburg) in 1629 . After he was released at the end of the year, he accepted a position as professor at the Royal Knight Academy in Sorø on Zealand. In 1639 he resigned his office, retired to private life in Leiden , in 1641 he was again pastor of the Lutheran congregation in The Hague and from 1645 onwards he spent the last years of his life in Utrecht.

Selection of works

  1. Typica totius theol. Sacre delineatio. Hamburg 1629
  2. Systema theologiae. Hamburg 1639, 1652, 1662
  3. Historia patriarcharum. 1647
  4. Theatrum historicum theoretico-practicum in quo quatuor monarchiae, nempe prima, quae est Babyloniorum et Assyriorum, secunda Medorum et Persarum, tertia Graecorum, quarta Romanorum, omnesque reges et imperatores qui illis regnarunt, nova et artficiosa methodo describunturiosa…. 1629, 1656, Frankfurt, Leipzig 1689. (Digitized from Google Books of the Amsterdam 1668 edition)
  5. Collegium ethicum in tres libros distributum ... Gießen 1619, 1620
  6. Systema politicum in tres libros distributum ... Giessen 1621
  7. Systema Logicum. 1631
  8. Exercitationes metaphysicae. 1631
  9. Spiritual rose garden and explanation of the 45th Psalms presented in front of the Beylager of the royal Prince Christian in Copenhagen. 1634


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