Christian Philipp Heinrich Brandt

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Portrait by Heinrich Brandt, around 1830

Christian Philipp Heinrich Brandt (born December 19, 1790 in Auhausen Monastery ; † January 9, 1857 ) was a German Protestant theologian , pastor and dean .

Live and act

Brandt was born as the son of Johann Daniel Brandt and was the only boy among 7 siblings. At Easter 1809 he began studying theology in Altdorf . In the autumn of 1809 he moved to Erlangen and successfully passed the exam in Nuremberg at the age of 22 .

His career began as a parish administrator in Wettelsheim and continued through Solenhofen (later Solnhofen ) and Heidenheim . In the autumn of 1814 he was given his father's pastoral position. On June 17, 1817, he moved with his mother and sisters to Bettenfeld near Rothenburg ob der Tauber for 5 years .

On April 27, 1822, he and his wife and two children took up service at the second pastorate in Roth am Sand . On September 8, 1831, he moved to Windsbach as dean and district school inspector . At his instigation, the parish orphanage was founded, which was inaugurated on September 20, 1837. In 1846 his service in Windsbach as dean and district school inspector ended.

On November 2, 1847, he took up the parish in Kattenhochstadt , where he served for nine years with poor health.

Works (selection)

  • Materials for religious lectures at funerals. (= Homiletic Pocket Book, Vol. 1). Herold & Wahlstab, Lüneburg 1825.
  • Dispositions for confessional speeches and penitential sermons. (= Homiletic Pocket Book, Vol. 2). Herold & Wahlstab, Lüneburg 1828.
  • (Ed.) Sermon book for promoting domestic devotion. Seidel, Sulzbach 1827 ( online resource, 3rd edition, Raw, Nuremberg 1831 ).
  • The preacher for the preacher. A revival book for evangelical preachers. Seidel, Sulzbach 1830.
  • (Ed. Together with Christoph Karl Hornung) The evangelical preacher at the graves. Brügel, Ansbach 1840–1844 ( online resource, vol. 1 ; vol. 2 ; vol. 3 ).
  • (Ed.) Reflections on the History of Abraham. Seidel, Sulzbach 1849 ( online resource ).
  • (Ed. Together with Christian Carl August Brandt) Homiletic auxiliary book for the holy Passion story of Jesus Christ. Contains a selection of the most beautiful in the field of classic evangelical passion sermon literature in Germany from Luther to the very latest and a selection of dispositions for passion sermons. Schäfer, Leipzig 1854.


In honor of a faithful servant of Christ, the Venerable Lord Christ. Phil. Heinr. Brandt , Nuremberg, 1857, Joh. Phil. Raw'sche Buchhandlung. (CA Brown.)

Web links

Commons : Christian Philipp Heinrich Brandt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files