Christian Scholz (Coptologist)

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Christian Scholz (* July 23, 1697 in Berlin ; † August 6, 1777 there ), also written Christian Scholtz , was a German Reformed theologian and Coptic linguist.

Scholz, a son of the Potsdam pastor Johann Friedrich Gottfried Scholtz (1657–1731) and grandson of the Berlin court preacher Anton Brunsen , was pastor in Züllichau from 1726 to 1735 , then a Reformed court preacher in Stettin (1735–1738) and Küstrin (1738/39) . In 1739 he was appointed cathedral preacher with court preacher rank at the reformed Berlin Cathedral , where he worked until his death.

Scholz became known through his Coptic studies. The first drafts of a grammar and a lexicon for the Coptic language come from Athanasius Kircher . Further attempts come from Christian Blumberg (1716) and D. Wilkins. Maturin Veyssière de La Croze worked out a larger Coptic dictionary, but did not live to see the completion. A student of La Croze, Paul Ernst Jablonski , had extensive correspondence about it with his brother-in-law Scholz. Through him Scholz received some of the manuscripts collected by La Croze and himself and also used the Coptic manuscripts of the Berlin library to complete other dialects. He obtained the manuscript of the La Croze'schen Lexikon from Leiden and had it copied by Karl Gottfried Woide . He finally published the La Croze'sche Lexikon des Coptic, which was abbreviated as Lexicon Ægyptiaco-Latinum by Woide and provided with annotations and indices and printed in Oxford in 1775 at the University's expense. Scholz also worked on a Coptic grammar, which was published posthumously as Grammatica Ægyptiaca utriusque dialecti by Woide.

From 1733 Scholz was married to Charlotte Jablonski (1707 - after 1768), a daughter of the court preacher Daniel Ernst Jablonski . His son Karl Friedrich († 1802) was the Reformed court preacher at Spandau from 1763 to 1793 .



  • Carl Gustav Adolf Siegfried:  Scholtz, Christian . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 32, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1891, p. 228 f.
  • Rudolf von Thadden : The Brandenburg-Prussian court preachers in the 17th and 18th centuries. A contribution to the history of the absolutist state society in Brandenburg-Prussia. de Gruyter, Berlin 1959, p. 215f and pedigree 8 (in the appendix).

Individual proof

  1. Entry in the thesaurus of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL).