Christian Thomas Rachlé

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Christian Thomas Rachlé (born November 1, 1965 in Klagenfurt ) is an Austrian Roman Catholic theologian and author.


Rachlé grew up as the second of four children in Eferding in Upper Austria . His mother came from Upper Austria, his father from Graz , Styria , whereas the family name suggests roots in French-speaking Switzerland. After completing his school education, he studied in Horn and Salzburg and completed a doctorate in Graz. After Kaplan years in Wolfsberg and Treibach / Althofen he came as an academy chaplain at the Army NCO Academy by Enns in Upper Austria and on the weekends, he was a country parson in Preitenegg in Bürgerspitalskirche operates. He is said to have felt his vocation as a priest during a soldiers' pilgrimage to Lourdes in France .

As a priest in the military diocese of Austria, he stayed with the Austrian Armed Forces , started an officer career and was with the Styrian Military Command for 15 years . Rachlé completed missions abroad for the Austrian Armed Forces on the Golan , in Bosnia-Herzegovina , in Kosovo , in Chad and in Lebanon . On these trips he turned to writing in the 2000s.

Today he works for the armed forces command in the Belgian barracks in the dean's office in Graz for Styria, Lower Austria, Burgenland and Vienna.

The proceeds of his books should go to charitable purposes at St. Georgs Verein.

Publications (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. OG-Portrait: Dr. Mil.Superior Christian Thomas RACHLÉ. In: Journal of the Styrian Officers Society. 3–4, 2005, p. 33 (PDF; 1.9 MB)